LMC272CM ,CMOS Dual Low Cost Rail to Rail Output Operational AmplifierLMC272 CMOS Dual Low Cost Rail to Rail Output Operational AmplifierDecember 1996LMC272CMOS Dual Low ..
LMC272CMM ,CMOS Dual Low Cost Rail to Rail Output Operational Amplifierfeatures make this cost effective device ideal for new n D/A convertersdesigns as well as for upgra ..
LMC272CMMX ,CMOS Dual Low Cost Rail to Rail Output Operational Amplifierapplications.The LMC272C is a direct replacement for TLC272C with per-
LMC272CMMX ,CMOS Dual Low Cost Rail to Rail Output Operational AmplifierFeatures= =The LMC272 is a CMOS dual operational amplifier with (Typical unless otherwise noted) V ..
LMC272CMX ,CMOS Dual Low Cost Rail to Rail Output Operational Amplifierfeatures make this cost effective device ideal for new n D/A convertersdesigns as well as for upgra ..
LMC272CN ,CMOS Dual Low Cost Rail to Rail Output Operational AmplifierApplicationsformance which meets or exceeds the TLC272C’s guaran-n Portable instrumentsteed limits ..
LPS4012-225MLC , Shielded Power Inductors – LPS4012
LPS4012-472MLC , Shielded Power Inductors – LPS4012
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CMOS Dual Low Cost Rail to Rail Output Operational Amplifier
CMOS Dual Low Cost Rail to Rail Output Operational
General DescriptionThe LMC272isa CMOS dual operational amplifier with
rail-to-rail output swingandan input common voltage range
that extends belowthe negative supply. Other performance
characteristics includelow voltage operation,low bias cur-
rent, excellent channel-to-channel isolation, good bandwidth
performanceanda competitive price.
These devicesare availablein MSOP package whichis
abouthalfthe sizeofa SO-8 device. This enablesthede-
signertofitthe devicein extremely small applications.
The LMC272Cis adirectreplacementfor TLC272Cwithper-
formance which meetsor exceedsthe TLC272C’s guaran-
teed limitsinthe commercial temperature range when oper-
ating froma supplyof 2.7Vto 15V (see Electrical
Characteristics tablefor details).
These features makethis cost effective device idealfor new
designsas wellasfor upgrading existing designs. Applica-
tions include hand-held analyticinstruments, transduceram-
plifiers, sampleand hold circuits,etc.
Features(Typical unless otherwise noted)VS=5V,TA= 25˚C Output Swingto within60mVof supplyrail(10kΩ load) High voltage gain: 90dB Unity gain-bandwidth: 2.0 MHz Wide supply voltage: 2.7Vto 15V Characterizedfor: 2.7V,5V, 10V Low supply current: 0.975 mA/amplifier Input voltage range: −0.3Vto 4.2V
Applications Portable instruments Upgradefor TLC272Cand TS272C Photodetector preamplifiers D/A converters Filters
Connection Diagram
Ordering Information
Package Ordering NSC Drawing Package Suppliedas
Information Number Marking8-pin MoldedDIP LMC272CN N08E LMC272CN Rails
8-pin SO-8 LMC272CM M08A LMC272CM Rails
LMC272CMX M08A LMC272CM 2.5k Tapeand Reel
LMC272CMMX MUA08A A07 3k Tapeand Reel
Top ViewDecember 1996
Amplifier 1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS012867