LM96000CIMT/NOPB ,Hardware Monitor with Integrated Fan Control 24-TSSOP 0 to 125 SNAS234C –APRIL 2004–REVISED MARCH 2013Pin DescriptionsName Pin No. Type Name and Function/Connect ..
LM96000CIMTX ,Hardware Monitor with Integrated Fan ControlApplicationsn Monitors VCCP, 2.5V, 3.3 VSBY, 5.0V, and 12Vn Desktop PCmotherboard/processor supplie ..
LM96080CIMT , LM96080 System Hardware Monitor with 2-Wire Serial Interface
LM96080CIMT/NOPB ,System Hardware Monitor with 2-Wire Serial Interface 24-TSSOP -40 to 125 SNAS465D –SEPTEMBER 2009–REVISED MARCH 2013PIN DESCRIPTIONSPin Pin ESDType DescriptionNumber Name( ..
LM96080CIMTX NOPB ,System Hardware Monitor with 2-Wire Serial Interface 24-TSSOP -40 to 125FEATURES DESCRIPTIONLM96080, compatible to LM80, is a hardware monitor2• Local Temperature Sensingt ..
LM9627CCEA ,Color CMOS Image Sensor VGA 30 FPSFeatures• Optical Format 1/3“• Pixel Size 7.5μm x 7.5μm• Supplied with micro lenses• Video Outputs ..
LPC2458FET180 ,Single-chip 16-bit/32-bit micro; 512 kB flash, Ethernet, CAN, ISP/IAP, USB 2.0 device/host/OTG, external memory interfaceGeneral descriptionNXP Semiconductors designed the LPC2458 microcontroller around a 16-bit/32-bit A ..
LPC2460FBD208 ,Flashless 16-bit/32-bit microcontroller; Ethernet, CAN, ISP/IAP, USB 2.0 device/host/OTG, external memory interfaceFeatures and benefits ARM7TDMI-S processor, running at up to 72 MHz. 82/98 kB on-chip SRAM includ ..
LPC2460FET208 ,Flashless 16-bit/32-bit microcontroller; Ethernet, CAN, ISP/IAP, USB 2.0 device/host/OTG, external memory interfacefeatures.LPC2420_60 All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. NXP ..
LPC2468FBD208 ,Single-chip 16-bit/32-bit micro; 512 kB flash, Ethernet, CAN, ISP/IAP, USB 2.0 device/host/OTG, external memory interfaceFeatures and benefits ARM7TDMI-S processor, running at up to 72 MHz. 512 kB on-chip flash program ..
LPC2468FET208 ,Single-chip 16-bit/32-bit micro; 512 kB flash, Ethernet, CAN, ISP/IAP, USB 2.0 device/host/OTG, external memory interfaceGeneral descriptionNXP Semiconductors designed the LPC2468 microcontroller around a 16-bit/32-bit A ..
LPC2470FBD208 ,Flashless 16-bit/32-bit microcontroller; Ethernet, CAN, LCD, USB 2.0 device/host/OTG, external memory interfaceFeatures and benefits ARM7TDMI-S processor, running at up to 72 MHz. 98 kB on-chip SRAM includes: ..
Hardware Monitor with Integrated Fan Control 24-TSSOP 0 to 125
www.ti.com SNAS234C –APRIL 2004–REVISED MARCH 2013
LM96000 Hardware Monitor with Integrated Fan Control
Checkfor Samples: LM96000
1FEATURES KEY SPECIFICATIONS 2-wire, SMBus 2.0 Compliant, Serial Digital • Voltage Measurement Accuracy ±2% FS (max)
Interface • Resolution 8-bits, 1°C 8-bit ΣΔ ADC • Temperature Sensor Accuracy ±3°C (max) Monitors VCCP, 2.5V, 3.3 VSBY, 5.0V, and 12V • Temperature Range
Motherboard/processor Supplies – LM96000 Operational 0°Cto +85°C• Monitors2 Remote Thermal Diodes – Remote Temp Accuracy 0°Cto +125°C Programmable Autonomous Fan Control • Power Supply Voltage +3.0Vto +3.6VBased on Temperature Readings • Power Supply Current 0.53 mA• Noise Filteringof Temperature Reading for
Fan Control DESCRIPTION 1.0°C Digital Temperature Sensor Resolution The LM96000, hardware monitor, hasa two wire
3 PWM Fan Speed Control Outputs digital interface compatible with SMBus 2.0. Usingan
8-bit ΣΔ ADC, the LM96000 measures:
• Provides High and Low PWM Frequency the temperatureof two remote diode connected
Rangestransistorsas wellasits own die
• 4 Fan Tachometer Inputs • the VCCP, 2.5V, 3.3VSBY, 5.0V, and 12V
• Monitors5 VID Control Lines supplies (internal scaling resistors).
24-pin TSSOP Package To set fan speed, the LM96000 has three PWM
• XOR-tree Test Mode outputs that are each controlled by one of three
temperature zones. High and low PWM frequency
APPLICATIONS ranges are supported. The LM96000 includesa
digital filter that can be invoked to smooth
• Desktop PC temperature readings for better controlof fan speed.
• Microprocessor based equipment The LM96000 has four tachometer inputsto measure
(e.g. Base-stations, Routers, ATMs, Pointof fan speed. Limit and status registers forall measured
Sales) values are included.