LM95235DIMM/NOPB ,?2?C Remote and Local Temperature Sensor with TruTherm Technology and SMBus Interface 8-VSSOP -40 to 90FEATURES KEY SPECIFICATIONS2• Remote and Local Temperature Channels • Supply Voltage 3.0 to 3.6 V• ..
LM95235QEIMM ,Automotive Grade, ?2?C Remote and Local Temperature Sensor with TruTherm Technology and SMBus 8-VSSOP -40 to 85FEATURES KEY SPECIFICATIONS2• Remote and Local Temperature Channels • Supply Voltage 3.0 to 3.6 V• ..
LM95235QEIMM/NOPB ,Automotive Grade, ?2?C Remote and Local Temperature Sensor with TruTherm Technology and SMBus 8-VSSOP -40 to 85Electrical Characteristics. The guaranteed specifications apply only for the test conditions listed ..
LM95245CIM/NOPB ,?2?C Remote and Local Temperature Sensor with TruTherm Technology and SMBus Interface 8-SOIC Maximum RatingsSupply Voltage, V−0.3V to 6.0VDDVoltage at SMBDAT, SMBCLK, T_CRIT, OS/A0 Pins−0.5V t ..
LM95245CIMM ,?2?C Remote and Local Temperature Sensor with TruTherm Technology and SMBus Interface 8-VSSOP -40 to 125FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LM95245 is an 11-bit digital temperature sensor2• Remote and Local Temperat ..
LM95245CIMMX , Precision Remote Diode Digital Temperature Sensor with TruTherm™ BJT Beta Compensation Technology for 45nm Process
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Precision Remote Diode Temperature Sensor with SMBus Interface and TruTherm聶 Technology
www.ti.com SNIS142F –APRIL 2006–REVISED MARCH 2013
Precision Remote Diode Temperature Sensor with SMBus Interface and TruTherm™
Checkfor Samples: LM95235, LM95235-Q1
1FEATURES KEY SPECIFICATIONS Remote and Local Temperature Channels • Supply Voltage 3.0to 3.6V TruTherm BJT Beta Compensation Technology • Supply Current, Conv. Rate=1 Hz 350µA (typ) LM95235Qis AEC-Q100 Grade3 Compliant • Remote Diode Temperature Accuracy
andis Manufactured on an Automotive Grade – TA= 25°Cto 85°C;TD= 60°Cto 100°C, ±0.75
Flow °C (max) Diode Model Selection Bit- MMBT3904or – TA= 25°Cto 90°C;TD= 40°Cto 125°C, ±1.565/90-nm Processor Diodes °C (max) Two Formats: -128°Cto 127.875°C and 0°Cto • Local Temperature Accuracy
255.875°C – TA= 25°Cto 100°C, ±2.0°C (max)• Digital Filter for Remote Channel • Conversion Rate, Both Channels16to 0.4 Hz Programmable TCRIT and OS Thresholds Programmable Shared Hysteresis Register DESCRIPTIONThe LM95235is an 11-bit digital temperature sensor
• Diode Fault Detectionwitha 2-wire System Management Bus (SMBus)
• Mask, Offset, and Status Registers interface and TruTherm technology that can monitor
• SMBus 2.0 Compatible Interface, Supports the temperatureofa remote diodeas wellasits own
TIMEOUT temperature. The LM95235 can be used to very
accurately monitor the temperature of external
• Programmable Conversion Rate for Best devices such as microprocessors, graphics
Power Consumption processors, or a diode-connected MMBT3904
• Three-Level Address Pin transistor. For automotive applications the LM95235Q
• Standby Mode One-Shot Conversion Control is available thatis AEC-Q100 Grade3 compliant and manufactured on an Automotive Grade Flow.
• Pin-for-Pin Compatible With the LM86 and TruTherm BJT (transistor) beta compensation
LM89 technology allows the LM95235to precisely monitor
• 8-Pin VSSOP Package thermal diodes foundin 90 nm and smaller geometry
processes. LM95235 reports temperature in two different formats for +127.875°C/-128°C range and
0°C/255°C range. The LM95235 T_CRIT and OS
System Thermal outputs are asserted when either unmasked channel exceeds its programmed limit and can be usedto
Servers)to turn on the system fans,or
and interrupt function. The current statusof the T_CRIT and OS pins can be read back
from the status registers SMBus interface. All
limits a
The remote temperatureof programmable digital The LM95235 diode model selecta
typical Intel® processoror90 nm process MMBT3904, as well as an offset register for
maximum and best accuracy.