LM95221CIMMX/NOPB ,Dual Remote and Local Temperature Sensor with TruTherm Technology and SMBus, I2C Interface 8-VSSOP 0 to 85FEATURES APPLICATIONS2• Accurately Senses Die Temperature of Remote • Processor/Computer System The ..
LM95231CIMMX-1 , Precision Dual Remote Diode Temperature Sensor with SMBus Interface and TruTherm Technology
LM95231CIMMX-2 , Precision Dual Remote Diode Temperature Sensor with SMBus Interface and TruTherm Technology
LM95231CIMMX-2 , Precision Dual Remote Diode Temperature Sensor with SMBus Interface and TruTherm Technology
LM95233CISD ,?2?C Dual Remote and Local Temperature Sensor with TruTherm Technology and SMBus Interface 14-WSON -40 to 140FEATURES KEY SPECIFICATIONS23• Accurately Senses Die Temperature of 2 • Local Temperature Accuracy: ..
LM95235CIMM , Precision Remote Diode Temperature Sensor with SMBus Interface and TruTherm™ Technology
LPC2292FET144 ,16/32-bit ARM microcontrollers; 256 kB ISP/IAP flash with CAN, 10-bit ADC and external memory interface
LPC2292FET144 ,16/32-bit ARM microcontrollers; 256 kB ISP/IAP flash with CAN, 10-bit ADC and external memory interface
LPC2294HBD144 ,16/32-bit ARM microcontrollers; 256 kB ISP/IAP flash with CAN, 10-bit ADC and external memory interface
LPC2294JBD144 ,16/32-bit ARM microcontrollers 256 kB ISP/IAP Flash with CAN, 10-bit ADC and external memory interface
LPC2361FBD100 ,Single-chip 16-bit/32-bit MCU; up to 128 kB flash with ISP/IAP, Ethernet, USB 2.0 device/host/OTG, CAN, and 10-bit ADC/DAC
LPC2365FBD100 ,ARM7 with 256 kB flash, 58 kB SRAM, Ethernet and 10-bit ADC
Dual Remote Diode Digital Temperature Sensor with SMBus Interface
Dual Remote Diode Digital Temperature Sensor with
SMBus Interface
General DescriptionThe LM95221isa dual remote diode temperature sensorin 8-lead MSOP package. The 2-wire serial interfaceof the
LM95221is compatible with SMBus 2.0. The LM95221 can
sense three temperature zones,it can measurethe tempera-
tureofits owndieas wellas two diode connected transis-
tors. The diode connected transistors canbea thermal diode foundin Pentium andAMD processorsor can simplybea
diode connected MMBT3904 transistor. The LM95221 reso-
lution formatfor remote temperature readings canbe pro-
grammedtobe 10-bits plus signor 11-bits unsigned.In the
unsigned mode the LM95221 remote diode readings can
resolve temperatures above 127˚C. Local temperature read-
ings havea resolutionof 9-bits plus sign.
The temperatureof any ASIC canbe accurately determined
usingthe LM95221as longasa dedicated diode (semicon-
ductor junction)is availableonthe target die. The LM95221
remote sensor accuracyof ±1˚Cis factory trimmedfora
series resistanceof2.7 ohms and 1.008 non-ideality factor.
Features Accurately sensesdie temperatureof remote ICsor
diode junctions Remote diode fault detection On-board local temperature sensing Remote temperature readings: 0.125˚C LSb 10-bits plus signor 11-bits programmable resolution 11-bits resolves temperatures above 127˚C Local temperature readings: 0.25˚C 9-bits plus sign Status register support Programmable conversion rate allows user optimization power consumption Shutdown mode one-shot conversion control SMBus 2.0 compatible interface, supports TIMEOUT 8-pin MSOP package
Key Specifications Local Temperature Accuracy
TA=0˚Cto 85˚C ±3.0˚C (max) Remote Diode Temperature Accuracy
TA=30˚Cto 50˚C, TD=45˚Cto 85˚C ±1.0˚C (max)
TA=0˚Cto 85˚C, TD=25˚Cto 140˚C ±3.0˚C (max) Supply Voltage 3.0Vto 3.6V Supply Current 2 mA (typ)
Applications Processor/Computer System Thermal Management
(e.g. Laptop, Desktop, Workstations, Server) Electronic Test Equipment Office Electronics
Simplified Block DiagramMay 2004