LM95010CIMMX ,Digital Temperature Sensor with SensorPath Bus in MSOP8 PackageGeneral Description— 0.25 ˚C resolutionTheLM95010isadigitaloutputtemperaturesensorthathas— 127.75 ˚ ..
LM95010CIMMX NOPB ,?2?C Temperature Sensor with SensorPath Interface 8-VSSOP 0 to 125Electrical CharacteristicsThe following specifications apply for V+ = 3.0 V to 3.6 V , unless other ..
LM95010CIMMXNOPB ,?2?C Temperature Sensor with SensorPath Interface 8-VSSOP 0 to 125Connection DiagramV+/SWD1 83.3V_SBYNC ADD12 7LM95010NC ADD03 6GND4 5NCFigure 1. 8-Lead VSSOPSee DGK ..
LM95071CIMF ,SPI/MICROWIREtrade 13-Bit Plus Sign Temperature SensorBlock Diagram20106501®TRI-STATE is a registered trademark of National Semiconductor Corporation. 20 ..
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LM95071CIMFX ,SPI/MICROWIREtrade 13-Bit Plus Sign Temperature SensorPin DescriptionsPin Symbol Name DescriptionNumber1CS Chip Select input This pin receives an active- ..
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Digital Temperature Sensor with SensorPath Bus in MSOP8 Package
Digital Temperature Sensor with SensorPath™ Bus in
MSOP8 Package
General DescriptionThe LM95010isa digital output temperature sensor that has
single-wire interface compatible with National Semiconduc-
tor’s SensorPath interface.It usesa ΔVbe analog tempera-
ture sensing technique that generatesa differential voltage
thatis proportionalto temperature. This voltageis digitized
usinga Sigma-Delta analog-to-digital converter. The
LM95010is partofa hardware monitor system, comprisedof
two parts: the PC System Health Controller (Master), sucha Super I/O, andupto seven slavesof which four canbe
LM95010s. Using SensorPath, the LM95010 willbe con-
trolledby the master and reportto the masterits own die
temperature. SensorPath datais pulse width encoded,
thereby allowing the LM95010tobe easily connectedto
many general purpose micro-controllers.
Features SensorPath Bus4 hardware programmable addresses Temperature Sensing 0.25˚C resolution 127.75˚C maximum temperature reading 8-lead MSOP package
Key Specifications Temperature Sensor Accuracy ±2˚C (max) Temperature Range −20˚Cto +125˚C Power Supply Voltage +3.0Vto +3.6V Power Supply Current 0.5 mA (typ) Conversion Time 14msto 1456ms
Applications Microprocessor based equipment (Motherboards, Base-stations, Routers, ATMs, Point Sale,…) Power Supplies
Block DiagramNovember 2003