LM92CIMX ,0.33C Accurate / 12-Bit Sign Temperature Sensor and Thermal Window Comparator with Two-Wire InterfaceGeneral Descriptionn Up to 4 LM92s can be connected to a single busThe LM92 is a digital temperatur ..
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LM94021BIMG ,?1.5?C Temperature Sensor with Multiple Gain Analog Output Options 5-SC70 -50 to 150FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LM94021 is a precision analog output CMOS2• LM94021Q is AEC-Q100 Grade 0 Qu ..
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LPC2212FBD144 ,16/32-bit ARM microcontrollers; 128/256 kB ISP/IAP Flash with 10-bit ADC and external memory interface
LPC2212FBD144 ,16/32-bit ARM microcontrollers; 128/256 kB ISP/IAP Flash with 10-bit ADC and external memory interface
LPC2212FBD144/00 , 16/32-bit ARM microcontrollers; 128/256 kB ISP/IAP flash with 10-bit ADC and external memory interface
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LPC2292FET144 ,16/32-bit ARM microcontrollers; 256 kB ISP/IAP flash with CAN, 10-bit ADC and external memory interface
0.33C Accurate / 12-Bit Sign Temperature Sensor and Thermal Window Comparator with Two-Wire Interface
±0.33˚C Accurate, 12-Bit + Sign Temperature Sensor and
Thermal Window Comparator with Two-Wire Interface
General DescriptionThe LM92isa digital temperature sensor and thermal win-
dow comparator withanI2C™ Serial Bus interface andan
accuracyof ±0.33˚C. The window-comparator architecture the LM92 eases the designof temperature control sys-
tems. The open-drain Interrupt (INT) output becomes active
whenever temperature goes outsidea programmable win-
dow, whilea separate Critical Temperature Alarm
(T_CRIT_A) output becomes active when the temperature
exceedsa programmable critical limit. The INT output can
operatein eithera comparatoror event mode, while the
T_CRIT_A output operatesin comparator mode only.
The host can program boththe upper and lower limitsofthe
windowas wellas the critical temperature limit. Program-
mable hysterisisas wellasa fault queue are availableto
minimize false tripping. Two pins (A0, A1) are availablefor
address selection. The sensor powersup withdefault thresh-
oldsof 2˚C THYST, 10˚C TLOW, 64˚C THIGH, and 80˚C
The LM92’s 2.7Vto 5.5V supply voltage range, Serial Busin-
terface, 12-bit+ sign output, and full-scale rangeof over
128˚C makeit idealfora wide rangeof applications. These
include thermal management and protection applicationsin
personal computers, electronic test equipment, office elec-
tronics, automotive, medical and HVAC applications.
Features Window comparison simplifies designof ACPI
compatible temperature monitoring and control. Serial Bus interface Separate open-drain outputsfor Interrupt and Critical
Temperature shutdown Shutdown modeto minimize power consumption Upto4 LM92s canbe connectedtoa single bus 12-bit+ sign output Operationupto 150˚C
Key Specifications Supply Voltage 2.7Vto 5.5V Supply Current operating 350μA (typ)
625μA (max)
shutdown 5μA (typ) Temperature 30˚C ±0.33˚C(max)
Accuracy 10˚Cto 50˚C ±0.50˚C(max)
−10˚Cto 85˚C ±1.0˚C(max)
125˚C ±1.25˚C(max)
−25˚Cto 150˚C ±1.5˚C(max) Linearity ±0.5˚C(max) Resolution 0.0625˚C
Applications HVAC Medical Electronics Electronic Test Equipment System Thermal Management Personal Computers Office Electronics Automotive
Simplified Block DiagramDS101051-1
March 2000