LM90CIMM ,±3°C Accurate, Remote Diode and Local Digital Temperature Sensor with Two-Wire InterfaceGeneral Descriptionn 10 bit plus sign remote diode temperature data format,The LM90 is an 11-bit di ..
LM90CIMM/NOPB ,Remote and Local Temperature Sensor with SMBus Interface 8-VSSOP 0 to 125Block DiagramConnection DiagramFigure 1. 8-Lead VSSOP - TOP VIEWSee DGK PackagePIN DESCRIPTIONSLabe ..
LM90CIMMX NOPB ,Remote and Local Temperature Sensor with SMBus Interface 8-VSSOP 0 to 125FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LM90 is an 11-bit digital temperature sensor with• Accurately Senses Die Te ..
LM90CIMMX/NOPB ,Remote and Local Temperature Sensor with SMBus Interface 8-VSSOP 0 to 125electrical specifications do notapply when operating the device beyond its rated operating conditio ..
LM92CIM ,±0.33°C Accurate, 12-Bit + Sign Temperature Sensor and Thermal Window Comparator with Two-Wire InterfaceGeneral Descriptionn Up to 4 LM92s can be connected to a single busThe LM92 is a digital temperatur ..
LM92CIMX ,0.33C Accurate / 12-Bit Sign Temperature Sensor and Thermal Window Comparator with Two-Wire InterfaceGeneral Descriptionn Up to 4 LM92s can be connected to a single busThe LM92 is a digital temperatur ..
LPC2141FBD64 ,Single-chip 16-bit/32-bit microcontrollers; up to 512 kB flash with ISP/IAP, USB 2.0 full-speed device, 10-bit ADC and DAC
LPC2141FBD64 ,Single-chip 16-bit/32-bit microcontrollers; up to 512 kB flash with ISP/IAP, USB 2.0 full-speed device, 10-bit ADC and DAC
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LPC2212FBD144/00 , 16/32-bit ARM microcontrollers; 128/256 kB ISP/IAP flash with 10-bit ADC and external memory interface
±3°C Accurate, Remote Diode and Local Digital Temperature Sensor with Two-Wire Interface
±3˚C Accurate, Remote Diode and Local Digital
Temperature Sensor with T wo-Wire Interface
General DescriptionThe LM90isan 11-bit digital temperature sensor witha
2-wire System Management Bus (SMBus) serial interface.
The LM90 accurately measuresits own temperatureas wellthe temperatureofan external device, suchas processor
thermal diodeor diode connected transistor suchas the
2N3904. The temperatureof any ASIC canbe accurately
determined using the LM90as longasa dedicated diode
(semiconductor junction)is availableonthe target die. The
LM90 remote sensor accuracyof ±3˚Cis factory trimmedfor
the 1.008 typical non-ideality factorof the mobile Pentium™
III thermal diode. The LM90 has an Offset
register to allow measuring other diodes without
requiring continuous software management. Contact
hardware.monitor.team to obtainthe latest datafor
new processors.
Activationof the ALERT output occurs when any tempera-
ture goes outsidea preprogrammed windowsetbythe HIGH
and LOW temperature limit registersor exceedsthe T_CRIT
temperature limit. Activationof the T_CRIT_A occurs when
any temperature exceeds the T_CRIT programmed limit.
The LM90is pin and register compatible with the LM86,
Analog Devices ADM1032 and Maxim MAX6657/8.
Features Accurately sensesdie temperatureof remote ICsor
diode junctions Offset register allows sensinga varietyof thermal
diodes accurately On-board local temperature sensing10bit plus sign remote diode temperature data format,
0.125˚C resolution Diode fault detection circuitry T_CRIT_A output usefulfor system shutdown (open
diode doesnot activate T_CRIT_A) ALERT output supports SMBus2.0 protocol SMBus 2.0 compatible interface, supports TIMEOUT 8-pin MSOP packages
Key Specifications Supply Voltage 3.0Vto 3.6V Supply Current 0.8mA (typ) Local Temp Accuracy (includes quantization error)
TA=25˚Cto 125˚C ±4.0˚C (max) Remote Diode Temp Accuracy (includes quantization
TA=30˚Cto 50˚C, TD=60˚Cto 100˚C ±3.0˚C (max)
TA=0˚Cto 85˚C, TD=25˚Cto 125˚C ±4.0˚C (max)
Applications System Thermal Management
(e.g. Laptop, Desktop, Workstations, Server) Electronic Test Equipment Office Electronics
LM90 Simplified Block DiagramFebruary 2002