LM90CIMMX NOPB ,Remote and Local Temperature Sensor with SMBus Interface 8-VSSOP 0 to 125FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LM90 is an 11-bit digital temperature sensor with• Accurately Senses Die Te ..
LM90CIMMX/NOPB ,Remote and Local Temperature Sensor with SMBus Interface 8-VSSOP 0 to 125electrical specifications do notapply when operating the device beyond its rated operating conditio ..
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Remote and Local Temperature Sensor with SMBus Interface 8-VSSOP 0 to 125
www.ti.com SNIS126A –MAY 2004–REVISED MARCH 2013
LM90 ±3°C Accurate, Remote Diode and Local Digital Temperature Sensor with Two-Wire
Checkfor Samples: LM90
1FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LM90isan 11-bit digital temperature sensor with
• Accurately Senses Die Temperatureof Remote a 2-wire System Management Bus (SMBus) serial
ICsor Diode Junctions interface. The LM90 accurately measures its own
• Offset Register Allows Sensinga Varietyof temperatureas wellas the temperatureofan external
Thermal Diodes Accurately device, such as processor thermal diode or diode
connected transistor such as the 2N3904. The
• On-board Local Temperature Sensingtemperature of any ASIC can be accurately
• 10 Bit Plus Sign Remote Diode Temperature determined using the LM90 as long asa dedicated
Data Format, 0.125°C Resolution diode (semiconductor junction)is available on the
• Diode Fault Detection Circuitry target die. The LM90 remote sensor accuracyof ±3°C factory trimmed for the 1.008 typical non-ideality
• T_CRIT_A Output Useful for System Shutdownfactorof the mobile PentiumIII thermal diode. The
(Open Diode does not Activate T_CRIT_A) LM90 hasan Offset registerto allow measuring other
• ALERT Output Supports SMBus 2.0 Protocol diodes without requiring continuous software
• SMBus 2.0 Compatible Interface, Supports management.
TIMEOUT Activation of the ALERT output occurs when any
• 8-pin VSSOP Package temperature goes outsidea preprogrammed window
setby the HIGH and LOW temperature limit registers
APPLICATIONS or exceeds the T_CRIT temperature limit. Activation the T_CRIT_A occurs when any temperature
• System Thermal Management exceeds the T_CRIT programmed limit. The LM90is
(e.g. Laptop, Desktop, Workstations, Server) pin and register compatible with the LM86, Analog
• Electronic Test Equipment Devices ADM1032 and Maxim MAX6657/8.
Office Electronics
KEY SPECIFICATIONS Supply Voltage 3.0to 3.6V Supply Current 0.8 mA (Typ) (Includes Quantization (Max) Accuracy (Includes°C ±4.0°C