LM86CIMM NOPB ,?0.75?C Remote and Local Temperature Sensor with SMBus Interface 8-VSSOP 0 to 125 SNIS114E –DECEMBER 2001–REVISED MARCH 2013Typical ApplicationCopyright 2001–2013, Texas Instrumen ..
LM86CIMM/NOPB ,?0.75?C Remote and Local Temperature Sensor with SMBus Interface 8-VSSOP 0 to 125FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LM86 is an 11-bit digital temperature sensor with23• Accurately Senses Die ..
LM86CIMM/NOPB ,?0.75?C Remote and Local Temperature Sensor with SMBus Interface 8-VSSOP 0 to 125Block Diagram3.0V-3.6VALERTSFault QQueue10-Bit Plus SignTemperatureProgramable'-6 RSensorLevelConve ..
LM86CIMMX/NOPB ,?0.75?C Remote and Local Temperature Sensor with SMBus Interface 8-VSSOP 0 to 125Maximum RatingsSupply Voltage−0.3 V to 6.0 VVoltage at SMBData, SMBCLK, ALERT, T_CRIT_A−0.5V to 6.0 ..
LM87CIMT ,Serial Interface System Hardware Monitor with Remote Diode Temperature SensingMaximum Ratings+Positive Supply Voltage (V ) +6.0 VVoltage on Any Input or Output Pin:+12Vin−0.3 V ..
LM87CIMT/NOPB ,Serial Interface System Hardware Monitor with Remote Diode Temperature Sensing 24-TSSOP -40 to 125 SNAS034J –APRIL 2000–REVISED MARCH 2013(1)PIN DESCRIPTIONSPin Pin NumberType DescriptionName(s) Nu ..
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?0.75?C Remote and Local Temperature Sensor with SMBus Interface 8-SOIC 0 to 125
www.ti.com SNIS114E –DECEMBER 2001–REVISED MARCH 2013
±0.75°C Accurate, Remote Diode and Local Digital Temperature Sensor With Two-Wire
Checkfor Samples: LM86
1FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LM86isan 11-bit digital temperature sensor with
23• Accurately Senses Die Temperatureof Remote a 2-wire System Management Bus (SMBus) serial
ICsor Diode Junctions interface. The LM86 accurately measures its own
• Offset Register Allows Sensinga Varietyof temperatureas wellas the temperatureofan external
Thermal Diodes Accurately device, such as processor thermal diode or diode
connected transistor such as the 2N3904. The
• On-Board Local Temperature Sensingtemperature of any ASIC can be accurately
• 10-Bit Plus Sign Remote Diode Temperature determined using the LM86 as long asa dedicated
Data Format, 0.125°C Resolution diode (semiconductor junction)is available on the
• T_CRIT_A Output Useful for System Shutdown target die. The LM86 remote sensor accuracy of
±0.75°Cis factory trimmed for the 1.008 typical
• ALERT Output Supports SMBus 2.0 Protocolnonideality factorof the mobile Pentium™III thermal
• SMBus 2.0 Compatible Interface, Supports diode. The LM86 has an Offset register to allow
TIMEOUT measuring other diodes without requiring continuous
• 8-Pin VSSOP and SOIC Packages software management. Contact
[email protected] obtain the latest
APPLICATIONS data for new processors.
Computer System Thermal Management Activation of the ALERT output occurs when any
(For Example, Laptop, Desktop, Workstations, temperature goes outsidea preprogrammed window
setby the HIGH and LOW temperature limit registers
Server) exceeds the T_CRIT temperature limit. Activation
• Electronic Test Equipment of the T_CRIT_A occurs when any temperature
• Office Electronics exceeds the T_CRIT programmed limit. The LM86is
pin and register compatible with the the Analog
KEY SPECIFICATIONS Devices ADM1032 and Maxim MAX6657/8.
Supply Voltage 3.0Vto 3.6V Supply Current 0.8mA (typ) Local Temp Accuracy (includes quantization (max) Accuracy (includes ±3.0°C