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Dual Audio Operational Amplifier
www.ti.com SNOSBD8E –MAY 2004–REVISED MAY 2012
LM833-N Dual Audio Operational Amplifier
Checkfor Samples: LM833-N
1FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LM833-Nisa dual general purpose operational
Wide Dynamic Range: >140dB amplifier designed with particular emphasis on
• Low Input Noise Voltage: 4.5nV/√Hz performancein audio systems.
High Slew Rate:7 V/μs (typ); 5V/μs (Min) This dual amplifier IC utilizes new circuit and
• High Gain Bandwidth: 15MHz (typ); 10MHz processing techniques to deliver low noise, high
(Min) speed and wide bandwidth without increasing
external components or decreasing stability. The
• Wide Power Bandwidth: 120KHzLM833-Nis internally compensated forall closed loop
• Low Distortion: 0.002% gains andis therefore optimized forall preamp and
• Low Offset Voltage: 0.3mV high level stagesin PCM and HiFi systems.
Large Phase Margin: 60° The LM833-Nis pin-for-pin compatible with industry
• Availablein8 Pin VSSOP Package standard dual operational amplifiers.
Schematic Diagram(1/2 LM833-N)