LM8333GGR8AXSX/NOPB ,Mobile I/O Companion Supporting Key-Scan, I/O Expansion, PWM, and ACCESS.bus Host Interface 49-csBGA FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LM8333 Mobile I/O Companion offloads the2• 8 × 8 Standard Keysburden of key ..
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Mobile I/O Companion Supporting Key-Scan, I/O Expansion, PWM, and ACCESS.bus Host Interface
www.ti.com SNLS246K –SEPTEMBER 2006–REVISED MAY 2013
LM8333 Mobile I/O Companion Supporting Key-Scan, I/O Expansion, PWM, and
ACCESS.bus Host Interface
Checkfor Samples: LM8333
1FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LM8333 Mobile I/O Companion offloads the
8×8 Standard Keys burdenof keyboard scanning from the host, while
• 8 Special Function Keys (SF Keys) Providinga providing extremely low power consumptionin both
Totalof72 Keys for the Maximum Keyboard operational and standby modes.It supports keypad
Matrix matrices upto8×8in size (plus another8 special-
function keys), for portable applications such as
• ACCESS.Bus(I2 C-compatible) Communicationcellphones, PDAs, games, and other handheld
Interfaceto the Host applications.
• Four General Purpose Host Programmable I/O
Pins with Two Optional (Slow) External Key press and release events are encoded intoa
byte format and loaded intoa FIFO buffer for retrieval
Interrupts the host processor. An interrupt output (IRQ)is
• 15-byte FIFO Bufferto Store Key Pressed and usedto signal events suchas keypad activity,a state
Key Released Events change on eitherof two interrupt-capable general-
• Error Control with Error Reports on (FIFO purpose I/O pins,or an error condition. Interrupt and
Overrun, Keypad Overrun, Invalid Command) error codes are available to the host by reading
dedicated registers.
• Host Programmable PWM Host Programmable Active Time and Four general-purpose I/O pins are available, twoof
which have interrupt capability. A pulse-width
Debounce Timemodulated output based ona host-programmable
internal timeris also available, which can be usedas
APPLICATIONS a general-purpose outputif the PWM functionis not
• Mobile Phones required.
Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) To minimize power, the LM8333 automatically enters
• Smart Handheld Devices a low-power standby mode when thereis no keypad,
I/O,or host activity.
• Personal Media PlayersThe deviceis packagedina 32–pin WQFN anda
49-pin csBGA. Both are chip-scale packages.