LM7905CT ,3-Terminal 1A Negative Voltage RegulatorGeneral Descriptiondevices with a specified maximum change with line and loadThe LM79XX series of 3 ..
LM7905CT ,3-Terminal 1A Negative Voltage RegulatorApplicationsTO-220 Package Fixed RegulatorDS007340-3DS007340-14 *Required if regulator is separated ..
LM7905CT ,3-Terminal 1A Negative Voltage RegulatorElectrical Characteristics (Continued)Conditions unless otherwise noted: I = 500mA, C = 2.2μF, C = ..
LM7905CT ,3-Terminal 1A Negative Voltage RegulatorElectrical Characteristics (MC7905/LM7905)(V = -10V, I = 500mA, 0°C ≤T ≤ +125°C, C =2.2µ F, C =1µ F ..
LM7905CT ,3-Terminal 1A Negative Voltage RegulatorFeaturesoutput current.n Thermal, short circuit and safe area protectionThese regulators employ int ..
LM7905CT+ ,3-Terminal 1A Negative Voltage RegulatorLM79XX Series 3-Terminal Negative RegulatorsSeptember 2001LM79XX Series3-Terminal Negative Regulato ..
LP5951MG-1.8 , LP5951 Micropower, 150mA Low-Dropout CMOS Voltage Regulator
LP5951MG-2.8 , LP5951 Micropower, 150mA Low-Dropout CMOS Voltage Regulator
LP5951MG-2.8 , LP5951 Micropower, 150mA Low-Dropout CMOS Voltage Regulator
LP5951MG-3.3/NOPB ,Micropower, 150mA Low-Dropout CMOS Voltage Regulator 5-SC70 Maximum Ratings(1)over operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted)MIN MAX UNITIN pin: V ..
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3-Terminal Negative Regulator
LM79XX Series
3-Terminal Negative Regulators
General DescriptionThe LM79XX seriesof 3-terminal regulatorsis available with
fixed output voltagesof −5V, −12V, and −15V. These devices
need only one external component —a compensation ca-
pacitoratthe output. The LM79XX seriesis packagedinthe
TO-220 power package andis capableof supplying 1.5Aof
output current.
These regulators employ internal current limiting safe area
protection and thermal shutdownfor protection against vir-
tuallyall overload conditions.
Low groundpin currentof the LM79XX series allows output
voltagetobe easily boosted abovethe preset value witha
resistor divider. The low quiescent current drainof these
devices witha specified maximum change with line and load
ensures good regulationin the voltage boosted mode.
For applications requiring other voltages, see LM137
Features Thermal, short circuit and safe area protection High ripple rejection 1.5A output current 4% toleranceon preset output voltage
Connection Diagrams Typical Applications*Requiredif regulatoris separated from filter capacitorby
more than 3". For value given, capacitor must be solid
tantalum. 25μF aluminum electrolytic maybe substituted.
†Requiredfor stability. For value given, capacitor mustbe
solid tantalum. 25μF aluminum electrolytic maybe substi-
tuted. Values given maybe increased without limit.
For output capacitancein excessof 100μF,a high current
diode from inputto output (1N4001, etc.) will protect the
regulator from momentary input shorts.
TO-220 PackageDS007340-14
Front View
Order Number LM7905CT, LM7912CTor LM7915CT
See NS Package Number TO3B
Fixed RegulatorDS007340-3
September 2001