LM78L05ACM ,3-Terminal Positive RegulatorsLM78LXX Series 3-Terminal Positive RegulatorsFebruary 2005LM78LXX Series3-Terminal Positive Regulat ..
LM78L05ACM ,3-Terminal Positive Regulators
LM78L05ACM ,3-Terminal Positive Regulatorsapplications.Whenusedasazener
LM78L05ACM ,3-Terminal Positive RegulatorsGeneral Descriptiontoo high for the heat sinking provided, the thermal shutdownThe LM78LXX series o ..
LM78L05ACM ,3-Terminal Positive RegulatorsLM78LXX Series 3-Terminal Positive RegulatorsFebruary 2005LM78LXX Series3-Terminal Positive Regulat ..
LM78L05ACM ,3-Terminal Positive RegulatorsGeneral Descriptiontoo high for the heat sinking provided, the thermal shutdownThe LM78LXX series o ..
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3-Terminal Positive Regulators
LM78LXX Series
3-Terminal Positive Regulators
General DescriptionThe LM78LXX seriesof three terminal positive regulatorsis
available with several fixed output voltages making them
usefulina wide rangeof applications. When usedasa zener
diode/resistor combination replacement, the LM78LXX usu-
ally resultsinan effective output impedance improvementof
two ordersof magnitude, and lower quiescent current.These
regulators can provide localon card regulation, eliminating
the distribution problems associated with single point regu-
lation. The voltages available allowthe LM78LXXtobe used logic systems, instrumentation, HiFi, and other solid state
electronic equipment.
The LM78LXXis availableinthe plastic TO-92(Z) package,
the plastic SO-8 (M) package anda chip sized package
(8-Bump micro SMD) using National’s micro SMD package
technology. With adequate heat sinking the regulator can
deliver 100mA output current. Current limitingis includedto
limit the peak output currenttoa safe value. Safe area
protectionforthe output transistorsis providedto limit inter-
nal power dissipation.If internal power dissipation becomes
too highforthe heat sinking provided,the thermal shutdown
circuit takes over preventingtheIC from overheating.
Features LM78L05in micro SMD package Output voltage tolerancesof ±5% over the temperature
range Output currentof 100mA Internal thermal overload protection Output transistor safe area protection Internal short circuit current limit Availablein plastic TO-92 and plastic SO-8 low profile
packages No external components Output voltagesof 5.0V, 6.2V, 8.2V, 9.0V, 12V, 15V See AN-1112for micro SMD considerations
Connection Diagrams
SO-8 Plastic (M)
(Narrow Body)Top View
8-Bump micro SMD
Top View
(Bump Side Down)
Plastic Package(Z)
Bottom View
micro SMD Marking Orientation
Top View
February 2005