LM78L05A ,Terminal 0.1A Positive Voltage RegulatorFeaturesally results in an effective output impedance improvement ofn LM78L05 in micro SMD packaget ..
LM78L05A ,Terminal 0.1A Positive Voltage RegulatorElectrical Characteristics(MC78L05A/LM78L05A) (V = 10V, I = 40mA, 0°C ≤ T ≤ 125°C, C = 0.33µ F, C ..
LM78L05A ,Terminal 0.1A Positive Voltage RegulatorFeatures Description• Maximum Output Current of 100mA The MC78LXXA/LM78LXXA/MC78L05AA series of• Ou ..
LM78L05ACM ,3-Terminal Positive RegulatorsLM78LXX Series 3-Terminal Positive RegulatorsFebruary 2005LM78LXX Series3-Terminal Positive Regulat ..
LM78L05ACM ,3-Terminal Positive Regulators
LM78L05ACM ,3-Terminal Positive Regulatorsapplications.Whenusedasazener
LP3992IMFX-1.5 ,Micropower 1.5V CMOS Voltage Regulator with Shutdown Controlfeatures short-circuit and thermal-
LP3992IMFX-1.5 ,Micropower 1.5V CMOS Voltage Regulator with Shutdown ControlLP3992 Micropower 1.5V CMOS Voltage Regulator with Shutdown ControlDecember 2002LP3992Micropower 1. ..
LP3992IMFX-1.5 ,Micropower 1.5V CMOS Voltage Regulator with Shutdown ControlGeneral Description Key Specificationsn 1.9 to 5.2V input rangeThe LP3992 regulator is designed to ..
LP3994TLX-1.8 ,1.8 V, 50mA CMOS voltage regulator with enable controlGeneral Description Key Specificationsn Input Voltage Range 2.5 to 5.5VThe LP3994 regulator provide ..
LP3995ILD-1.5 ,Micropower 150mA CMOS Voltage Regulator with Active Shutdown.applications and will pro- n Accurate Output Voltage; 75mV / 2%vide an accurate output voltage with ..
LP3995ILD-1.8 ,Micropower 150mA CMOS Voltage Regulator with Active Shutdown.FeaturesThe Enable(/Disable) function on the device incorporates ann 5 pin micro SMD Packageactive ..
N-Channel FET Synchronous Buck Regulator Controller for Low Output Voltages
LM78LXX Series
3-Terminal Positive Regulators
General DescriptionThe LM78LXX seriesof three terminal positive regulatorsis
available with several fixed output voltages making them
usefulina wide rangeof applications. When usedasa zener
diode/resistor combination replacement, the LM78LXX usu-
ally resultsinan effective output impedance improvementof
two ordersof magnitude, and lower quiescent current.These
regulators can provide localon card regulation, eliminating
the distribution problems associated with single point regula-
tion. The voltages available allowthe LM78LXXtobe usedin
logic systems, instrumentation, HiFi, and other solid state
electronic equipment.
The LM78LXXis availableinthe plastic TO-92(Z) package,
the plastic SO-8 (M) package anda chip sized package
(8-Bump micro SMD) using National’s micro SMD package
technology. With adequate heat sinkingthe regulator cande-
liver 100 mA output current. Current limitingis includedto
limitthe peak output currenttoa safe value. Safe area pro-
tectionfor the output transistorsis providedto limit internal
power dissipation.If internal power dissipation becomestoo
highforthe heat sinking provided,the thermal shutdowncir-
cuit takes over preventingtheIC from overheating.
Features LM78L05in micro SMD package Output voltage tolerancesof ±5% over the temperature
range Output currentof 100 mA Internal thermal overload protection Output transistor safe area protection Internal short circuit current limit Availablein plastic TO-92 and plastic SO-8 low profile
packages No external components Output voltagesof 5.0V, 6.2V, 8.2V, 9.0V, 12V, 15V
Connection Diagrams
SO-8 Plastic (M)
(Narrow Body)DS007744-2
Top View
8-Bump micro SMDDS007744-24
Top View
(Bump Side Down)
Plastic Package(Z)DS007744-3
Bottom View
micro SMD Marking OrientationDS007744-33
Top ViewJanuary 2000