LM7824K ,24 V, 3-terminal positive voltage regulatorElectrical Characteristics
Lead Temperature
T0-3 Metal Can (Soldering, 60 sec.)
T0-220 Package ..
LM78CCVF ,Microprocessor System Hardware MonitorLM78 Microprocessor System Hardware MonitorFebruary 2000LM78Microprocessor System Hardware Monitor
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LM78L ,N-Channel FET Synchronous Buck Regulator Controller for Low Output VoltagesGeneral Descriptionpower dissipation. If internal power dissipation becomes tooThe LM78LXX series o ..
LM78L05 ,3-Terminal Positive RegulatorsLM78LXXSeries3-TerminalPositiveRegulatorsFebruary1995LM78LXXSeries3-TerminalPositiveRegulatorsGener ..
LM78L05A ,Terminal 0.1A Positive Voltage RegulatorFeaturesally results in an effective output impedance improvement ofn LM78L05 in micro SMD packaget ..
LP3990MF-1.8 ,150mA Linear Voltage Regulator for Digital ApplicationsGeneral Description Key Specificationsn Input Voltage Range 2.0 to 6.0VThe LP3990 regulator is desi ..
LP3990MF-2.5 ,150mA Linear Voltage Regulator for Digital ApplicationsApplicationsn Thermal-Overload and Short-Circuit Protectionn Cellular Handsetsn Hand-Held Informati ..
LP3990MF-2.8 ,150mA Linear Voltage Regulator for Digital ApplicationsApplicationsNovember 2004LP3990150mA Linear Voltage Regulator for Digital
LP3990MF-2.8 ,150mA Linear Voltage Regulator for Digital ApplicationsApplicationsNovember 2004LP3990150mA Linear Voltage Regulator for Digital
LP3990MF-3.3 ,150mA Linear Voltage Regulator for Digital ApplicationsLP3990 150mA Linear Voltage Regulator for Digital
LP3990MF-3.3 ,150mA Linear Voltage Regulator for Digital ApplicationsFeatures6 pin LLP (SOT23 footprint)n 1% Voltage Accuracy at Room TemperatureSOT23 - 5n Stable with ..
6 V, 3-terminal positive voltage regulator
LM7800 Series
_ National
LM7800 Series
3-Terminal Positive Voltage Regulators
General Description Features
The LM7800 series of monolithic 3-terminal positive voltage " Output current in excess of I.0A
regulators employ internal current-limiting, thermal shut- II No external components
down and safe-area compensation, making them essentially n Internal thermal overload protection
indestructible. " adequate heat sinking is provided, they can u Internal short circuit current-limiting
deliver over 1.0A o.utput gurrent. They are waded. as fired n Output transistor safe-area compensation
voltage regulators In f, wide ra.r.N? of. api1icatlons imiiufp.g n Available in JEDEC TO-220 and TO-3 packages
local (on-card) regulation for elimination of nose and distri-
bution problems associated with single-point regulation. In D OUth ”Pages ot tW, BV, "W and 24V (See Note)
addition to use as fixed voltage regulators, these devices " Available in extended temperature range
can be used with extemai components to obtain adjustable
output voltages and currents.
Connection Diagrams
(CASE) 's our
Top Vlew
Order Number LM7806K, LM7808K, LM7818K,
LM7824K, LM78066K, LM78080K,
LM78180K or LM7824CK
See NS Package Number KOZA
Lead 3 connected to tab. TL/H/10052-2
Top Vlew
Order Number LM7BOSCT, LM7808CT
LM78180T or LM7824CT
See NS Package Number T038
Note: See General Purpose Linear Databook for spetrifitta-
tions on similar devices with 5V, 12V, or 15V outputs. These
parts can be found under LM140/LM340, LM140A/ LM340A
(for tighter output tolerance) and LM78XX datasheets.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
If Mllltary/Aeroapaco aptttgflttd dovlcoa are required,
please contact the Natlonal Semiconductor Sans
offlttttfDIatrlbutttra for availability and trpeelneatlttns.
Lead Temperature
T0-3 Metal Can (Soldering, 60 sec.)
TO-220 Package (Soldering, 10 sec.)
Storage Temperature Range Power Dissipation Internally Limited
TO-3 Metal Can -65% to + 175°C Input Voltage
TO-220 Package -65% to + 150'C 6.0V to 18V 35V
Operating Junction Temperature Range 24V 40V
Extended (LM7800) -55t to +15tPC ESD Susceptibility (to be determined)
Commercial (LM78000) 0°C to + 150°C
Electrical Characteristics
ty'C S TA S +125''C, VI aw. 11V, lo = 500 mA, th = 0.33 pf. Co == 0.1 wi', unless otherwise specified
Symbol Parameter Conditions (Note 1) Mln Typ Max Units
V0 Output Voltage Tu = 25°C 5.75 6.0 6.25 V
Vn LINE Line Regulation Tu = 25°C 8.0V S V. S 25V 5.0 120 mV
9.0V S VI S 13V 1.5 60
Va LOAD Load Regulation To = 25°C 5.0 mA S Io S 1.5A 14 120 mV
250 mA S lo S 750 mA 4.0 60
vo Output Voltage 8.0V S VI S 21V, 5.0 mA S lo S 1.OA, P S 15W 5.7 6.3 V
la QuieseentGurrtmt To = 25°C 4.3 8.0 mA
Na QuiescentCurrent With Line 8.0V S VI S 25V 1.3 m A
Change With Load 5.0 mA g Io g 1.0A 0.5
No Noise TA = 25''C, 10 Hz s f s 100 kHz 45 MV
AvilAVo Ripple Rejection f = 2400 Hz, lo = 350 mA, To = 25% 59 75 dB
V00 DropoutVoItage Io == 1.0A, TJ = 25''C 2.0 V
Ro Output Resistance f = 1.0 kHz 19 mn
los Output Short CircuitCurrent Tu = 25°C, V1 = 35V 550 mA
lpk Peak Output Current Tu = 25°C 2.2 A
Avo/AT Average Temperature Io = 5.0 mA, tPC S TA S +125°C 0.8 mV/°C
Ctmffittient of Output Voltage
Electrlcal Charattterltgtltttg
-55'C S TA S +125T, V. --.. 14V, lo " 500 mA, C] '= 0.33 pF, Co == 0.1 pF, unless otherwise ttpetyfitrd
Symbol Parameter Conditions (Note 1) Min Typ Max Unlts
Vo Output Voltage To = 25'C 7.7 8.0 8.3 V
" LINE Line Regulation TJ = 25'C 10.5V S V; S 25V 6.0 80 mV
11VSV| S 171/ 2.0 40
Va LOAD Load Regulation To = 25'C 5.0 mA g lo S 1.5A 12 100 mV
250 mA S lo S 750 mA 4.0 40
vo Output Voltage 11.5V S VI S 23V, 5.0 mA S lo S 1.0A, P S 15W 7.6 8.4 V
IQ QuiescentCurrent TJ = 25''C 4.3 6.0 mA
Ala Quiescent Current With Line 11.5V S VI S 25V 0.8 m A
Change With Load 5.0 mA g lo s 1.0A 0.5
sagas OOBLW'I
LM7800 Series
Electrical Characteristics (Continued)
--55''C S TA S + 125°C, VI = 14V, IO = 500 mA, C. = 0.33 “F. Co == 0.1 pF, unless otherwise specified
Symbol Parameter CondltlortaiNutr' 1) Mln Typ Max Unlts
No Noise TA = 25'C, 10 Hz S t S 100 kHz 8.0 40 pV/Vo
AV1/AV0 Ripple Rejection t = 2400 Hz, IO = 350 mA, Tu = 25% 62 72 dB
V90 DropoutVoltage IO = 1.0A, To = 25°C 2.0 2.5 V
Ro Output Resistance = 1.0 kHz 16 mn
los OutputShort CircuitCurrem To = 25''C, V. = 35V 0.75 1.2 A
be Peak OutputCurrent To w= 25''C 1.3 2.2 3.3 A
AVo/AT Average Temperature lo = 5.0 mA --55''C S TA S +25’C 0.4 mV/‘C/
Coefficient of Output Voltage +25%; S T A S +125°C 0.3 V0
Electrical Characteristics
0°C S TA S +125''C, VI = 14V, IO = 500 mA, c, = 0.33 psF, Co = 0.1 pF, unIess otherwise specified
Symbol Parameter Condltlons (Note 1) Mln Typ Max Units
vo Output Voltage To = 25'C 7.7 8.0 8.3 V
" LINE Line Regulation To = 25°C 10.5V S V. S 25V 6.0 160 mV
11VSVIS17V 2.0 80
Va LOAD Load Regulation To = 25°C 5.0 mA S lo S 1.5A 12 160 mV
250 mA S Io S 750 mA 4.0 80
vo Output Voltage 10.5V S VI S 23V, 5.0 mA S lo S 1.0A, P S 15W 7.6 8.4 V
la QuiescentCurrent T J = 25'C 4.3 8.0 mA
Na Quiescent Current With Line 10.5V S VI S 25V 1.0 m A
Change With Load 5.0 mA g lo s 1.0A 0.5
No Noise TA = 25''C, 10 Hz S f S 100 kHz 52 y.V
AV./AV0 Ripple Rejection f = 2400 Hz, 10 = 350 mA,TJ = 25% 56 72 ‘dB
Vpo Dropout Voltage Io = 1.0A,TJ = 25'C 2.0 V
Ro Output Resistance f == 1.0 kHz 16 mn
los OutputShort CircuitCurrent To = 25'C, v, = 35V 450 mA
lpk Peak OutputCurrent TJ = 25'C 2.2 A
AVofhT t:','lf1T,t17Clitt"'vsta,v, lo 5.0mA 0.8 mV/''C
Electrical Characteristics
-55'C S TA g +125°C, VI = 27V, IO = 500 mA, CI = 0.33 pF. Co = 0.1 pF, unless otherwise specified
Symbol Parameter Conditions (Note t) Mln Typ Max Units
Va Output Voltage TJ = 25'C 17.3 18.0 18.7 V
Vn LINE Line Regulation TJ = 25"C 21V S V. S 33V 15 180 mV
24V S V. S 30V 5.0 90
Va LOAD Load Regulation Tu = 25°C 5.0 mA S lo S 1.5A 12 180 mV
250 mA S lo s 750 mA 4.0 90
V0 Output Voltage 22V S VI S 33V, 5.0 mA S l0 S 1.0A, P S 15W 17.1 18.9 V
IQ Quiescent Current To = 25'C 4.5 6.0 mA
Ala Quiescent Current With Line 22V S lh S 33V 0.8 m A
Change With Load 5.0 mA S lo S 1.0A 0.5
No Noise TA = 25'C, 10 Hz S f S 100 kHz 8.0 40 pV/Vo
AVIIAVO Ripple Rejection f = 2400 Hz, Io = 350 mA,Tu = 25''C 59 69 dB
V00 DropoutVoltage ko == 1.0A, To = 25''C 2.0 V
Fig Output Resistance = 1.0 kHz 22 mn
los Output Short CircuitCurrent T J = 25''C,V, = 35V 0.75 A
ka Peak OutputCurrent TJ = 25'C 1.3 2.2 3.3 A
AVo/AT Average Temperature IO = 5.0 mA -55'C S TA S +25°C 0.4 mV/°C/
Coefficient of Output Voltage + 25''C S T A S +125°C 0.3 vo
LM781 "
Electrical Characteristics
0°C S TA S +125°C, V. = 27V, IO = 500 mA, th = 0.33 pF, Co = tht pF, unless otherwise specified.
Symbol Parameter Conditions (Note 1) Mln Typ Max Unlts
Vo OutputVoltage TJ = 25'C 17.3 18.0 18.7 V
Vn LINE Line Regulation TJ = 25°C 21V S V. S 33V 15 360 mV
24V S V. S 30V 5.0 180
Va LOAD Load Regulation TJ = 25°C 5.0 mA S lo S 1.5A 12 360 mV
250 mA S lo S 750 mA 4.0 180
vo OutputVoltage 21V S V. S 33V, 5.0 mA S lo S 1.0A, P S 15W 17.1 18.9 V
la Quiescent Current Tu = 25°C 4.5 8.0 mA
1 -277
S 00813“
LM7800 Series
Electrical Characteristlcs (Continued)
WC S TA S +125'C, V. = 271t, IO = 500 tttA, C. -- 0.33 psi', Co = 0.1 pF, unless otherwise specified
Symbol Parameter Conditions (Note 1) Mln Typ Max Units
ala QuiescentCurrent With Line 21V S V. S 33V 1.0 mA
Change With Load 5.0 mA s Io s: 1.0A 0.5
No Noise TA = 25%, 10 Hz S t S 100 kHz 110 p.V
AVIIAVO Ripple Rejection f = 2400 Hz, Io Wd.. 350 mA, To = 25% 53 69 dB
VDO DropoutVoltage Io = 1.0A, To = 25''C 2.0 V
Ro Output Resistance f = 1.0 kHz 22 mn
los OutputShort CircuitCurrent Tu = 25°C, VI = 35V 200 mA
be Peak OutputCurrent To = 25°C 2.1 A
AVo/AT tA2,rflt',rTtr,',1"gtlrtutag,, lo 5.0 mA 1,0 mNPt1
Electrical Characteristics
-55''C S TA S +125't3, V. = 33V, I0 = 500 mA, C. ' 0.33 pst', CO = 0.1 pF, unless otherwise specified
Symbol Parameter Conditions (Note " Mln Typ Max Unlts
Vo Output Voltage TJ = 25°C 23.0 24.0 25.0 V
VR LINE Line Regulation Tu = 25°C 27V S lh S 38V 18 240 mV
30V S VI S 36V 6.0 120
Va LOAD Load Regulation TJ = 25°C 5.0 mA S Io S 1.5A 12 240 mV
250 mA S Io S 750 mA 4.0 120
V0 OutputVoItage 28V S V. S 38V, 5.0 mA S lo S 1.0A, P S 15W 22.8 25.2 V
la QuiescentCurrent Tu = 25°C 4.6 6.0 mA
Ala Quiescent Current With Line 28V S VI S 38V 0.8 m A
Change With Load 5.0 mA si lo S 1.0A 0.5
No Noise TA = 25''C, 10 Hz S f S 100 kHz 8.0 40 WV/VO
AVIIAVO Ripple Rejection f = 2400 Hz, IO = 350 mA, Tu = 25°C 56 66 dB
VDO DropoutVoltage lo = 1.0A, T,: = 25'C 2.0 2.5 V
Ro Output Resistance f = 1.0 kHz 28 mit
los OutputShort CircuitCurrent Tu = 25°C, V. = 35V 0.75 1.2 A
be Peak Output Current Tu = 25°C 1.3 2.2 3.3 A
AVo/AT Average Temperature Io = 5.0 mA -55''C S TA S +25°C 0.4 mV/°C/
CoefficientofOutputVohage +25% S TA S +1290 0.3 Vo
Electrical Characteristics
WC S TA S +125°C, VI = 33V, IO = 500 mA, C. = 0.33 pF. Co = 0.1 pF, unless otherwise specified
Symbol Characteristics Condltlons (Nate 1) Mln Typ Max Units
vo Output Voltage T J = 25°C 23.0 24.0 25.0 V
Va LINE Line Regulation To = 25°C 27V S V‘ S 38V 18 480 mV
30V S V. g 36V 6.0 240
Va LOAD Load Regulation TJ = 25°C 5.0 mA S lo S 1.5A 12 480 mV
250 mA S lo S 750 mA 4.0 240
V0 Output Voltage 27V S V. S 38V, 5.0 mA S Io g 1.0A, P S 15W 22.8 25.2 V
IQ QuiescentCurrent TJ = 25°C 4.6 8.0 mA
Electrical Characteristics (Continued)
trc g TA S +125%, V. = 33V, lo = 500 mA, C, == 0.33 pF, Co = 0.1 pF, unless otherwise tspecified
Symbol Parameter Condltlons (Note 1) Mln Typ Max Unlts
Alta Quiescent Current With Line 27V S VI S 38V 1.0 mA
Change With Load 5.0 mA g lo s: 1.0A 0.5
No Noise TA = 25''C, 10 Hz S f S 100 kHz 170 pV
AVIIAVo Ripple Rejection f = 2400 Hz; lo = 350 mA, T: = 25°C 50 66 dB
V00 Dropout Voltage lo = 1.0A, To = 25°C 2.0 V
Ho Output Resistance f = 1.0 kHz 28 mn
los OutputShort CircuitCurrent TJ = 25'C,V. = 35V 150 mA
be Peak Output Current TJ = 25'C 2.1 A
AVo/AT Average Temperature lo = 5.0 mA 1.5 mV /° C
Coefficient of Output Voltage
Not. P. For all tables. all characteristics except noise voltage and ripple rejection ratio are measured using pulse techniques (tw S 10 ms, duty cycle S 5%).
Output voltage changes due to changes in internal temperature must be taken into account separately.
Equivalent Circuit
I 100 m soon
013 as
05 R16 L
2.0 m R20
2‘05” 2r" 0-19kn
R6 t . 011
I- 1.0 m 20 m C1
_ 30 pF
01 - Q7
tll 02 03 at R19
R7 t' 5.0m
soon A
mo F R3 R14
6.0m i 1.0 " mm
TL/H/ t0052-3
sauas OOBLW'I
, -279
LM7800 Series
Typical Performance Characteristics
Worst Case Power Dlttalptstion "
Ambient Temperature tro-to
' =5.WN
Kr. won!
tmx =15o°c
25 SO " IN t25 150
Output Voltage "
Junction Temperature
IM M812
oumn vomo: - v
v. = m
Yo = 12Y u
"8 5:20” I
45-50-50 25 50 7sltrM25150i75
Dropout Characteristics
Yo = 5.0V
TJ=2s°c “ms
g b--o
ta, ks
b = 1.0A
D " " SD M IO
Rlpple Rejectlon "
20 v0 =5.ov
lo =soom
10 IN Mk 10K
OU'IPUI' VOLYAK ommou - mV
Worst Case Power Dissipation "
Amblont Temperature (T 0-220)
um rm umooc
25 50 75 lm IE 150
As = 5.0V
T: = 2Sett
tt " 0811 " M "
Quiescenl Curran! "
Input Voltage
" 10 15
Llne Transient m""''"''"',,
Peak Output Current "
Voltage Differential
OUIPUI comm - A
0 M IO 15 at B 30
Dropout Voltage vs
Junctlon Temperature
m '''0
amour 0mm
Avo = s.ox or v0
mn/omm mm - v
45-50-05 0 B 50 7s1oonsmm
Quloscent Current "
Junction Temperature
vI = toy
" toasoom
outset!" CURRDH - [M
-N-M-a tt 25 50 75lw15150175
Load Transient Response
v. = In I o
V = 5.0 .
20 33 A) 50 an
Typical Performance Characteristics (Continued)
Output Impedance vs
h =1ov
v = 5.0v
I' lol " = 25 'lf
tl ct = Op
b, tit"
Ct I0 = 500 mA
10 100 1K 10K 100K w
Note: The other LM7800 saris: devices have similar curves.
DC Parameter Test Circuit
h OJSpFl loud Yo
TLIH/ 10052-6
991193 OOBLW'I
LM7800 Series
Design Considerations
The LM7800 fixed voltage regulator series has thermal
overload protection from excessive power dissipation, inter-
nal short circuit protection which limits the regulator's maxi-
mum current, and output transistor safe-area compensation
for reducing the output current as the voltage across the
pass transistor is increased.
Although the internal power dissipation is limited, the junc-
tion temperature must be kept below the maximum speci-
fied temperature (150°C for LM7800. 125'C for LM7800C) in
order to meet data sheet specifieations. To calculate the
maximum junction temperature or heat sink required, the
following thermal resistance values should be used:
Typ 9.10 Max 94c Typ 94A Max 9JA
Pattkage "C/W °CIW "C/W "C/W
T03 3.5 5.5 35 40
TO-220 3.0 5.0 40 so
Typical Applications
leed Output Regulator
LM7800 Yo
tht ALF
PDMax = tloc + 90A
= T.; Max TA
em = 8cs + 93A
Solving for To:
TJ == TA + PD (0J0 + tra0or
= TA + PDOJA (without heat sink)
TJ = Junction Temperature
TA = Ambient Temperature
PD = Power Dissipation
tloc = Junction-to-Case Thermal Resistance
em = Case-to-Ambient Thermal Resistance
ecs = Case-to-Heat Sink to Thermal Resistance
' = Heat Sink-to-Ambient Thermal Resistance
' = Junction-to-Ambient Thermal Resistance
(without heat sink)
High Input Voltage Circults
1 LM7800 2
" ' I (nor: 1) I
0.331% 3 th1 pf
(NOTE 2) I l l (NOTE 2)
TL/H/10052-7 TL/HMtXm2-8
Note 1: To specify an output voltage, substitute voltage value for "00".
Note 2: Bypass capacitors are recommended for optimum stability and tram
sient response, and should be located as close as possible to the regulator. 1 2
l LM7800 h,
T 0.33 “F I 0.l pr
High Current Voltage Regulator
01 I01
2N6133 -
2 lo MAX
LM7800 Yo
MOI) 2 -k.osttpc
JY2 = 8(01) VBEgm)
less less Max03 + 1) - Io Max
I Is 1 0.lpr
Typlcal Appllcatlons (Continued)
High Output Current. Short Clreult Protoctod
LM7800 OUT
3.0.0. 0.33 FF 3 - - 0.1 yr
R53 - c, I----?--;
..._..MLQJJ_ - TL/H/10052-11
Inseam“? +1)-|0Max
Positive and Negative Regulator
LM7500 . 00t
931135 OOBLWI
This datasheet has been :
Datasheets for electronic components.
National Semiconductor was acquired by Texas Instruments.
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This file is the datasheet for the following electronic components:
LM7806K - product/Im7806k?HQS=T|-nu|l-nuII-dscatalog-df-pf—nuII-wwe
LM7808CK - product/lm7808ck?HQS=T|-nu|I-nulI-dscatalog-df—pf—nulI-wwe
LM7806CK - product/Im7806ck?HQS=T|-nu|I-nulI-dscatalog-df—pf—nuII-wwe
LM7818CK - product/lm7818ck?HQS=T|—nul|—nulI-dscatalog-df—pf—nuII-wwe
LM7818K - product/lm7818k?HQS=T|-nu|l-nuII-dscatalog-df-pf—nuII-wwe
LM7824CK - product/lm7824ck?HQS=T|-nu|I-nulI-dscatalog-df—pf—nulI-wwe
LM7824K - product/Im7824k?HQS=T|-nu|l-null-dscatalog-df—pf—nuII-wwe
LM7808K - product/Im7808k?HQS=T|-nu|l-nuII-dscatalog-df—pf—nuII-wwe