LM77CIMX-3/NOPB ,?1.5?C Temperature Sensor with Alert Function and I2C/SMBus Interface 8-SOIC -55 to 125electrical specifications do notapply when operating the device beyond its rated operating conditio ..
LM77CIMX-5 ,9-Bit + Sign Digital Temperature Sensor and Thermal Window Comparator with Two-Wire InterfaceFeaturesn Window comparison simplifies design of ACPIThe LM77 is a digital temperature sensor and t ..
LM77CIMX-5/NOPB ,?1.5?C Temperature Sensor with Alert Function and I2C/SMBus Interface 8-SOIC -55 to 125Temperature-to-Digital Converter CharacteristicsUnless otherwise noted, these specifications apply ..
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?1.5?C Temperature Sensor with Alert Function and I2C/SMBus Interface 8-SOIC -55 to 125
www.ti.com SNIS103F –JUNE 1999–REVISED MARCH 2013
LM77 9-Bit+ Sign Digital Temperature Sensor and Thermal Window Comparator with
Two-Wire Interface
Checkfor Samples: LM77
1FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LM77isa digital temperature sensor and thermal
Window Comparison Simplifies Designof window comparator with anI2C Serial Bus interface.
ACPI Compatible Temperature Monitoring and The window-comparator architecture of the LM77
Control. eases the design of temperature control systems
• Serial Bus Interface conformingto the ACPI (Advanced Configuration and
Power Interface) specification for personal
• Separate Open-Drain Outputs for Interrupt andcomputers. The open-drain Interrupt (INT) output
Critical Temperature Shutdown becomes active whenever temperature goes outside
• Shutdown Modeto Minimize Power a programmable window, whilea separate Critical
Consumption Temperature Alarm (T_CRIT_A) output becomes
Upto4 LM77s Can be Connectedtoa Single active when the temperature exceeds a
Bus programmable critical limit. The INT output can
operatein eithera comparatoror event mode, while
• 9-bit+ Sign Output; Full-Scale Readingof Over the T_CRIT_A output operatesin comparator mode
128°C only.
• SOIC and VSSOP 8-lead Packages The host can program both the upper and lower limits the windowas wellas the critical temperature limit.
APPLICATIONS Programmable hysterisisas wellasa fault queue are
• System Thermal Management availableto minimize false tripping. Two pins (A0, A1)
are available for address selection. The sensor
• Personal Computerspowersup with default thresholdsof 2°C THYST, 10°C
• Office Electronics TLOW, 64°C THIGH, and 80°C T_CRIT.
• Electronic Test Equipment The LM77's 3.0Vto 5.5V supply voltage range, Serial
• Automotive Bus interface, 9-bit+ sign output, and full-scale range
• HVAC of over 128°C makeit ideal fora wide rangeof
applications. These include thermal management and
KEY SPECIFICATIONS protection applications in personal computers,
electronic test equipment, office electronics,
• Supply Voltage 3.0Vto 5.5V automotive, and HVAC applications.
−10°Cto 65°C,