LM76CNM-3 ,0.5C/ 1C/ 12-Bit Sign Digital Temperature Sensor and Thermal Window Comparator with Two-Wire InterfaceFeaturesn Window comparison simplifies design of ACPIThe LM76 is a digital temperature sensor and t ..
LM76CNM-3 ,0.5C/ 1C/ 12-Bit Sign Digital Temperature Sensor and Thermal Window Comparator with Two-Wire InterfacePin DescriptionLabel Pin # Function Typical Connection2SDA 1 Serial Bi-Directional Data Line, Open ..
LM77 ,9-Bit + Sign Digital Temperature Sensor and Thermal Window Comparator with Two-Wire InterfaceFeaturesn Window comparison simplifies design of ACPIThe LM77 is a digital temperature sensor and t ..
LM77CIM3 ,9-Bit + Sign Digital Temperature Sensor and Thermal Window Comparator with Two-Wire InterfacePin DescriptionLabel Pin # Function Typical ConnectionSDA 1 Serial Bi-Directional Data Line. Open D ..
LM77CIM-3 ,9-Bit + Sign Digital Temperature Sensor and Thermal Window Comparator with Two-Wire InterfaceLM77 9-Bit + Sign Digital Temperature Sensor and Thermal Window Comparator with Two-WireInterfaceJu ..
LM77CIM-3 ,9-Bit + Sign Digital Temperature Sensor and Thermal Window Comparator with Two-Wire Interfaceelectrical specifications do notapply when operating the device beyond its rated operating conditio ..
LP3985IM5X-2.7 ,Micropower, 150mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout CMOS Voltage RegulatorGeneral Description4.8V and 5.0V output voltages. For other output voltageThe LP3985 is designed fo ..
LP3985IM5X-2.8 ,Micropower, 150mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout CMOS Voltage RegulatorLP3985 Micropower, 150mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout CMOS Voltage RegulatorJune 2004LP3985Micropowe ..
LP3985IM5X-2.85 ,Micropower, 150mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout CMOS Voltage RegulatorFeaturesPower supply rejection is better than 50 dB at low frequen-n Miniature 5-I/O micro SMD and ..
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LP3985IM5X-285 ,Micropower, 150mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout CMOS Voltage RegulatorGeneral Description4.8V and 5.0V output voltages. For other output voltageThe LP3985 is designed fo ..
LP3985IM5X-285 NOPB ,Micropower, 150mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout CMOS Voltage Regulator 5-SOT-23 -40 to 125Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly, which do no ..
0.5C/ 1C/ 12-Bit Sign Digital Temperature Sensor and Thermal Window Comparator with Two-Wire Interface
±0.5˚C, ±1˚C, 12-Bit+ Sign Digital Temperature Sensor
and Thermal Window Comparator with Two-Wire
General DescriptionThe LM76isa digital temperature sensorand thermal win-
dow comparator withan I2C™ Serial Bus interface withan
accuracyof ±1˚C. This accuracyforthe LM76CHMis speci-
fiedfora −10˚Cto 45˚C temperature range, whileforthe
LM76CNMthe temperature rangeis 70˚Cto 100˚C. The
LM76CHMis specifiedwithan accuracy ±0.5˚C at25˚C.The
window-comparator architectureofthe LM76 easesthede-
signof temperature control systems conformingtothe ACPI
(Advanced Configurationand Power Interface) specification
for personal computers.The open-drain Interrupt (INT)out-
put becomes active whenever temperature goes outsidea
programmable window, whilea separate Critical Tempera-
ture Alarm (T_CRIT_A) output becomes active whenthe
temperature exceedsa programmable critical limit. TheINT
outputcan operatein eithera comparatoror event mode,
whilethe T_CRIT_A output operatesin comparator mode
The hostcan program boththe upperand lower limitsofthe
windowas wellasthe critical temperature limit. Program-
mable hysterisisas wellasa fault queueare availableto
minimize false tripping. Two pins (A0,A1)are availablefor
address selection.The sensorpowersupwith defaultthresh-
oldsof 2˚C THYST, 10˚C TLOW, 64˚C THIGH, and 80˚C
The LM76’s 3.3Vand 5.0V supply voltage, SerialBus inter-
face,12-bit+ sign output,and full-scale rangeof over 127˚C
makeit idealfora wide rangeof applications. These include
thermalmanagement andprotection applications inpersonal
computers, electronictest equipment, office electronicsand
bio-medical applications.
Features Window comparison simplifies designof ACPI
compatible temperature monitoringand control. SerialBus interface Separate open-drain outputsfor Interruptand Critical
Temperature shutdown Shutdown modeto minimize power consumptionUpto4 LM76scanbe connectedtoa singlebus 12-bit+ sign output; full-scale readingof over 127˚C
Key Specifications Supply Voltage 3.3Vor 5.0V Supply Current operating 250μA (typ)
450μA (max)
shutdown 8μA (max) Temperature
−10˚Cto +45˚C
70˚Cto 100˚C ±1.0˚C(max) Resolution 0.0625˚C
Applications System Thermal Management Personal Computers Office Electronics HVAC
I2C®isaregistered trademarkof PhilipsCorporation.
January 2000
Interface©2000 National Semiconductor Corporation DS101015