LM759CH ,Power Operational AmplifiersLM759/LM77000PowerOperationalAmplifiersNovember1994LM759/LM77000PowerOperationalAmplifiersGeneralDe ..
LM759MH ,Power Operational AmplifiersFeaturesYOutput currentTheLM759andLM77000arehighperformanceoperationalLM759Ð325 mA minimumamplifier ..
LM75A ,Digital temperature sensor and thermal Watchdog(tm)Features 3 DescriptionThe LM75A is an industry-standard digital1• No External Components Requiredte ..
LM75AD ,Digital temperature sensor and thermal watchdogfunctional descriptionsection; temperature register (Temp) to store the digital temp• Power supply ..
LM75ADP ,LM75A; Digital temperature sensor and thermal Watchdog(tm)Pin configuration Pin descriptionPIN SYMBOL DESCRIPTION21 SDA Digital I/O. I C serial bi-directiona ..
LM75B ,Digital Temperature Sensor and Thermal Watchdog with Two-Wire Interface SNIS153D–JULY 2009–REVISED OCTOBER 20155 Pin Configuration and FunctionsD and DGK Packages8-Pin SO ..
LP3982IMM-3.3 ,Micropower, Ultra Low-Dropout, Low-Noise, 300mA CMOS RegulatorFeaturesn MAX8860 pin, package and spec. compatibleThe LP3982 low-dropout (LDO) CMOS linear regulat ..
LP3982IMM-3.3/NOPB ,Micropower, Ultra-Low-Dropout, Low-Noise, 300-mA CMOS Regulator 8-VSSOP -40 to 85Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly, which do no ..
LP3982IMM-ADJ ,Micropower, Ultra Low-Dropout, Low-Noise, 300mA CMOS RegulatorElectrical specifications do not apply when operating the device outside of itsrated operating cond ..
LP3982IMM-ADJ/NOPB ,Micropower, Ultra-Low-Dropout, Low-Noise, 300-mA CMOS Regulator 8-VSSOP -40 to 85Maximum Ratings(1)(2)(3)over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)MIN MAX U ..
LP3982IMMX-1.8 ,Micropower, Ultra Low-Dropout, Low-Noise, 300mA CMOS RegulatorElectrical specifications do not apply when operating the device outside of itsrated operating cond ..
LP3982IMMX-1.8 ,Micropower, Ultra Low-Dropout, Low-Noise, 300mA CMOS Regulatorapplications because ofn 60dB typical PSRRits shutdown mode (1nA typ), low quiescent current (90µAn ..
Power Operational Amplifiers
November 1994
Power Operational Amplifiers
General Description
The LM759and LM77000are high performance operational
amplifiers that feature high output current capability. The
LM759is capableof providing 325mAandthe LM77000
providing250mA. Both amplifiers feature small signal char-
acteristics thatare better thanthe LM741. The amplifiers
are designedto operate froma singleor dual power supply
withan input common mode range that includesthe nega-
tive supply. The high gainand high output power provide
superior performance. Internal currentlimiting, thermal shut-
down,and safe area compensationare employed making
the LM759and LM77000 essentially indestructible.
Features Output current
LM759Ð325mA minimum
LM77000Ð250mA minimum Internal short circuit current limiting Internal thermal overload protection Internal output transistors safe-area protection Input common mode voltage range includes groundor
negative supply
Applications Voltage regulators Audio amplifiers Servo amplifiers Power drivers
Connection Diagrams and Ordering Information
Lead4 connectedto case.
Top View
Order Number LM759MH, LM759CHor LM759H/883
SeeNS Package Number H08C
Order Number LM759CPor LM77000CP
SeeNS Package NumberP04A
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.