LM741AJ-14/883 ,Operational AmplifierElectrical Characteristics (Note 4)Parameter Conditions LM741A/LM741E LM741 LM741C UnitsMin Typ Max ..
LM741CH ,Operational Amplifierfeatures which make application nearly foolproof: overloadprotection on the input and output, no la ..
LM741CJ ,Operational Amplifierapplications.The amplifiers offer many
LM741CJ ,Operational AmplifierGeneral Descriptionexcept that the LM741C/LM741E have their performanceThe LM741 series are general ..
LM741CM ,Single Operational AmplifierBlock DiagramRev. 1.0.12001 Fairchild Semiconductor CorporationLM741Schematic DiagramAbsolute Maxim ..
LM741CM ,Single Operational Amplifierfeatures which make their applica-tion nearly foolproof: overload protection on the input andoutput ..
LP3971SQ-B410/NOPB ,Power Management IC (PMIC) for Advanced Application Processors 40-WQFN -40 to 125FEATURES KEY SPECIFICATIONS2• Compatible with Advanced Applications • Buck RegulatorsProcessors Req ..
LP3971SQ-B410/NOPB ,Power Management IC (PMIC) for Advanced Application Processors 40-WQFN -40 to 125 SNVS432V –JANUARY 2006–REVISED MAY 2013Li-ion/polymer cellSee notes+CvddLP3971 PMIC 4.7 PFSYNCVIN ..
LP3971SQ-N510 NOPB ,Power Management IC (PMIC) for Advanced Application Processors 40-WQFN Simplified Application CircuitVINBack-up+Battery-LDO1BUCK1LDO2LDO3BUCK2LP3971 PMULDO4LDO5BUCK3RTCFi ..
LP3972 ,Power Management Unit for Advanced Application Processors SNVS468L–SEPTEMBER 2006–REVISED NOVEMBER 20155 Device Comparison TablesTable 1. Supply Specificati ..
LP3972SQ-A514 ,Power Management IC (PMIC) for Advanced Application Processors 40-WQFN -40 to 125Block Diagram... 164 Revision History........ 28.3 Feature Description.... 175 Device Comparison Ta ..
Operational Amplifier
Operational Amplifier
General DescriptionThe LM741 seriesare general purpose operational amplifi-
ers which feature improved performance over industry stan-
dardslikethe LM709. Theyare direct, plug-in replacements
forthe 709C,LM201, MC1439 and748in most applications.
The amplifiers offer many features which make their applica-
tion nearly foolproof: overload protectiononthe input and
output,no latch-up whenthe common mode rangeisex-
ceeded,aswellas freedom from oscillations.
The LM741C/LM741Eare identicaltothe LM741/LM741A
except thatthe LM741C/LM741E have their performance
guaranteed overa0˚Cto +70˚C temperature range, instead −55˚Cto +125˚C.
Schematic DiagramDS009341-1
Offset Nulling CircuitDS009341-7
May 1998
Amplifier 1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS009341