LM7372ILDX ,High Speed, High Output Current, Dual Operational Amplifierapplications such as xDSL andpulse amplifiers. With 150mA output current, the LM7372
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LM7372IMAX ,High Speed, High Output Current, Dual Operational Amplifierapplications.n HDTV amplifiers™The LM7372 is built on National’s Advance VIP III (Verti-cally integ ..
LM7372MR ,High Speed, High Output Current, Dual Operational AmplifierApplicationscan be used for video distribution, as a transformer driver oras a laser diode driver. ..
LM7372MRX ,High Speed, High Output Current, Dual Operational AmplifierLM7372 High Speed, High Output Current, Dual Operational AmplifierFebruary 2002LM7372High Speed, Hi ..
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LP3966ESX-3.3 ,3A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorBlock Diagram LP396610126729
LP3966ESX-ADJ ,3A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorBlock Diagram LP396610126729
High Speed, High Output Current, Dual Operational Amplifier
High Speed, High Output Current, Dual Operational
General DescriptionThe LM7372isa high speed dual voltage feedback amplifier
that has the slewing characteristicof current feedback am-
plifiers;yetit canbe usedinall traditional voltage feedback
amplifier configurations.
The LM7372is stablefor gainsas lowas +2or −1.It
providesa very high slew rateat 3000V/μs anda wide gain
bandwidth productof 120MHz, while consuming only
6.5mA/per amplifierof supply current.Itis idealfor video and
high speed signal processing applications suchas xDSL and
pulse amplifiers. With 150mA output current, the LM7372
canbe usedfor video distribution,asa transformer driverora laser diode driver.
Operationon ±15V power supplies allowsfor large signal
swings and provides greater dynamic range and
signal-to-noise ratio. The LM7372 offers high SFDR and low
THD, idealfor ADC/DAC systems.In addition,the LM7372is
specifiedfor ±5V operationfor portable applications.
The LM7372is builton National’s Advance VIP™III (Verti-
cally integrated PNP) complementary bipolar process.
Features −80dBc highest harmonic distortion @1MHz, 2VPP Very high slew rate: 3000V/μs Wide gain bandwidth product: 120MHz −3dB frequency@AV= +2: 200MHz Low supply current: 13mA (both amplifiers) High open loop gain: 85dB High output current: 150mA Differential gain and phase: 0.01%, 0.02˚
Applications HDSL and ADSL Drivers Multimedia broadcast systems Professional video cameras CATV/Fiber optics signal processing Pulse amplifiers and peak detectors HDTV amplifiers
Typical ApplicationFIGURE1. Single Supply Application (SOIC-16)
February 2002