LM733CN ,LM733/LM733C Differential AmplifierLM733/LM733CDifferentialAmplifierAugust1989LM733/LM733CDifferentialAmplifierGeneralDescription
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LM7372MR ,High Speed, High Output Current, Dual Operational AmplifierApplicationscan be used for video distribution, as a transformer driver oras a laser diode driver. ..
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LP3966ES-3.3 ,3A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulatorapplications. The LP3963/LP3966n Available in TO-263 and TO-220 packagesare developed on a CMOS pro ..
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LM733/LM733C Differential Amplifier
August 1989
LM733/LM733C Differential Amplifier
General Description
The LM733/LM733Cisa two-stage, differential input,differ-
ential output, wide-band video amplifier.Theuseof internal
series-shunt feedback gives wide bandwidth withlow phase
distortion and high gain stability. Emitter-follower outputs
providea high current drive,low impedance capability.Its
120 MHz bandwidth and selectable gainsof10, 100and
400, without needfor frequency compensation, makeita
very useful circuitfor memory element drivers, pulse amplifi-
ers,and wide band linear gain stages.
The LM733is specifiedfor operation overthe b55§Cto
a125§C military temperature range. The LM733Cis speci-
fiedforoperation overthe 0§Cto a70§Ctemperature range.
Features 120 MHz bandwidth 250kX input resistance Selectable gainsof10, 100,400No frequency compensation High common mode rejection ratioat high frequencies
Applications Magnetic tape systems Diskfile memories Thinand thickfilm memories Wovenand plated wire memories Wide band video amplifiers
Connection Diagrams
Dual-In-Line Package
Top View
OrderNumber LM733CN
SeeNS Package Number N14A
MetalCan Package
Note:Pin 5connectedtocase.
Order Number LM733H orLM733CH
SeeNS Package Number H10D
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.