LM723C ,Voltage Regulatorapplicationssuchasashuntregulator,acurrentregulatorora temperature controller.The LM723C is identic ..
LM723CD ,ADJUSTABLE POSITIVE VOLTAGE REGULATORSpin configuration relative to the plastic package)Vi = 12VV = 5VoIo = 1mAR /R ≤ 10KΩ1 22/12LM723o
LM723CD013TR ,ADJUSTABLE POSITIVE VOLTAGE REGULATORSELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS FOR LM723 (refer to the test circuits, T = 25°C,ambunless otherwise spec ..
LM723CH ,Voltage Regulatorapplications such as a shunt regulator, a current regulator ora temperature controller.The LM723C i ..
LM723CN ,Voltage RegulatorLM723QML RegulatorFebruary 2005LM723QMLVoltage Regulator
LM723CN/NOPB ,Voltage Regulator 14-PDIP 0 to 70ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSParameter Conditions LM723 LM723C UnitsMin Typ Max Min Typ MaxLine Regula ..
LP3964ES-3.3 ,800mA Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorFeaturesn Ultra low dropout voltageThe LP3961/LP3964 series of fast ultra low-dropout linearregulat ..
LP3964ES-5.0 ,800mA Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulatorapplicationsload, and temperature).Typical Application Circuits10112901*SD and ERROR pins must be p ..
LP3964ES-ADJ ,800mA Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorLP3961/LP3964 800mA Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorsNovember 2004LP3961/LP3964800mA Fast Ul ..
LP3964ESX-1.8 ,800mA Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorApplicationsthe shutdown pin is pulled low.n Microprocessor power suppliesError Flag: Error flag go ..
LP3964ESX-3.3 ,800mA Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulatorapplications sectionfor more information.** See Application Hints
LP3964ESX-ADJ ,800mA Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulatorapplicationsload, and temperature).Typical Application Circuits10112901*SD and ERROR pins must be p ..
Voltage Regulator
December 1994
LM723/LM723C Voltage Regulator
General Description
The LM723/LM723Cisa voltage regulatordesigned primar-
ilyfor series regulator applications.By itself,itwill supply
output currentsupto150 mA;but external transistorscan addedto provideany desired load current. The circuit
features extremelylow standby current drain,and provision madefor either linearor foldback current limiting.
The LM723/LM723Cis also usefulina wide rangeof other
applications suchas ashunt regulator,a current regulatoror temperature controller.
The LM723Cis identicaltothe LM723 except thatthe
LM723C hasits performance guaranteed overa 0§Cto
a70§C temperature range, insteadof b55§Cto a125§C.
Features 150mA output current without external pass transistor Output currentsin excessof 10A possibleby adding
external transistors Input voltage 40V max Output voltage adjustable from2Vto 37V Canbe usedas eithera linearora switching regulator
Connection Diagrams
Dual-In-Line Package
Top View
Order Number LM723J/883or LM723CN
SeeNS Package J14AorN14A
MetalCan Package
Note:Pin 5connectedtocase.
Order NumberLM723H, LM723H/883orLM723CH
SeeNS Package H10C
Equivalent Circuit*
*Pinnumbers referto metalcan package.
Order Number LM723E/883
SeeNS Package E20A
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.