LM71CIMFX ,SPI/MICROWIREtrade 13-Bit Plus Sign Temperature Sensor™LM71 SPI/MICROWIRE 13-Bit Plus Sign Temperature SensorFebruary 2005LM71SPI/MICROWIRE 13-Bit Plus S ..
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SPI/MICROWIREtrade 13-Bit Plus Sign Temperature Sensor
SPI/MICROWIRE 13-Bit Plus Sign Temperature Sensor
General DescriptionThe LM71isa low-power, high-resolution digital temperature
sensor withan SPI and MICROWIRE compatible interface,
availableinthe 5-pin SOT23orthe 6-pin LLP (no pull back)
package. The host can querythe LM71at any timeto read
temperature.Its low operating currentis usefulin systems
where low power consumptionis critical.
The LM71 has 13-bit plus sign temperature resolution
(0.03125˚C per LSB) while operating overa temperature
rangeof −40˚Cto +150˚C.
The LM71’s 2.65Vto 5.5V supply voltage range, fast con-
version rate, low supply current, and simple SPI interface
makeit idealfora wide rangeof applications.
Applications System Thermal Management Personal Computers Portable Electronic Devices Disk Drives Office Electronics Electronic Test Equipment Vending Machines
Features SOT23-5or No-Pull-Back LLP-6 Packages Operates overafull −40˚Cto +150˚C range SPI and MICROWIRE Bus interface
Key Specifications Supply Voltage 2.65Vto 5.5V Supply Current operating 300µA (typ)
550µA (max) Temperature
Accuracy −10˚Cto +65˚C ±1.5˚C (max)
−40˚Cto 150˚C +3/− 2˚C (max) Temperature
31.25 m˚C
Simplified Block DiagramFebruary 2005