LM7171 ,Very High Speed, High Output Current, Voltage Feedback Amplifierapplications.YVideo AmplifiersTMThe LM7171 is built on National’s advanced VIP III (Verti- YCopiers ..
LM7171AIM ,Very High Speed, High Output Current, Voltage Feedback AmplifierFeatures(Typical) - Easy to use Voltage Feedback Topology - Very High Slew Rate ..
LM7171AIMX ,Very High Speed, High Output Current, Voltage Feedback Amplifierapplications tokeep all component leads short. For discrete components, choose carbon composition-t ..
LM7171AIN ,Very High Speed, High Output Current, Voltage Feedback AmplifierApplicationsdriver or as a laser diode driver.n HDSL and ADSL DriversOperation on ±15V power suppli ..
LM7171AIWM ,Very High Speed/ High Output Current/ Voltage Feedback AmplifierFeatures(Typical Unless Otherwise Noted)Typical Performance Connection DiagramsLarge Signal Pulse R ..
LM7171BIM ,Very High Speed, High Output Current, Voltage Feedback AmplifierFeatures(Typical Unless Otherwise Noted)Typical Performance Connection DiagramsLarge Signal Pulse R ..
LP3963ESX-1.8 ,3A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorApplicationsthe shutdown pin is pulled low.n Microprocessor power suppliesError Flag: Error flag go ..
LP3963ESX-2.5 ,3A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorApplicationsthe shutdown pin is pulled low.n Microprocessor power suppliesError Flag: Error flag go ..
LP3963ESX-3.3 ,3A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorFeaturesn Ultra low dropout voltageThe LP3963/LP3966 series of fast ultra low-dropout linearregulat ..
LP3963ESX-5.0 ,3A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulatorapplicationssection for more information.** See Application Hints 2003 National Semiconductor Corpo ..
LP3963ET-2.5 ,3A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorBlock Diagram LP396310126703 2LP3963/LP3966LP3963/LP3966
LP3963ET-3.3 ,3A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulatorapplicationssection for more information.** See Application Hints 2003 National Semiconductor Corpo ..
Very High Speed, High Output Current, Voltage Feedback Amplifier
September 1995
LM7171 Very High Speed, High Output Current,
Voltage Feedback Amplifier
General Description
The LM7171isa high speed voltage feedback amplifierthat
hasthe slewing characteristicofa current feedback amplifi-
er;yetitcanbe usedinall traditional voltage feedbackam-
plifier configurations.The LM7171is stablefor gainsaslow a2orb1.It providesa very highslewrateat 4100V/ms
anda wide unity-gain bandwidthof200 MHz while consum-
ing only6.5mAof supply current.Itis idealfor videoand
high speed signal processing applications suchas HDSL
and pulse amplifiers. With 100 mA output current,the
LM7171canbe usedfor video distribution,asa transformer
driverorasa laser diode driver.
Operationon g15V power supplies allowsfor large signal
swings and provides greater dynamic range and signal-to-
noise ratio.The LM7171 offerslow SFDRand THD,idealfor
ADC/DAC systems.In addition,the LM7171is specifiedfor
g5V operationfor portable applications.
The LM7171is builton National’s advanced VIPTMIII (Verti-
cally integrated PNP) complementary bipolar process.
Features (TypicalUnlessOtherwise Noted) Easy-To-Use Voltage Feedback Topology Very High Slew Rate 4100V/ms Wide Unity-Gain Bandwidth 200 MHz b3dB Frequency@AV ea2 220 MHz Low Supply Current 6.5mA High Open Loop Gain 85dB High Output Current 100mA Differential Gainand Phase 0.01%, 0.02§ Specifiedfor g15Vand g5V Operation
Applications HDSLand ADSL Drivers Multimedia Broadcast Systems Professional Video Cameras Video Amplifiers Copiers/Scanners/Fax HDTV Amplifiers Pulse Amplifiersand Peak Detectors CATV/Fiber Optics Signal Processing
Typical Performance
Large Signal Pulse Response ea2,VSe g15V
Connection Diagrams
8-Pin DIP/SO
Top View
16-Pin WideBodySO
Ordering Information
TemperatureRange Transport
Media Drawing
Industrial Military
b40§Cto a85§C b55§Cto a125§C
8-PinDIP LM7171AIN, LM7171BIN Rails N08E
8-PinCDIP 5962-9553601QPA* Rails J08A
8-Pin LM7171AIM, LM7171BIM Rails M08A
Small Outline LM7171AIMX, LM7171BIMX Tapeand Reel
16-Pin LM7171AIWM, LM7171BIWM Rails M16B
Small Outline LM7171AWMX, LM7171BWMX Tapeand Reel
*Forthe military temperature grade, pleaserefertothe Military Datasheet: MNLM7171AM-X
NSIDforthe military temperaturegradeis LM7171AMJ/883.
VIPTM isatrademark ofNationalSemiconductorCorporation.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.