LM7131ACN ,Tiny High Speed Single Supply Operational AmplifierElectrical Characteristics+ − += = = = = =Unless otherwise specified, all limits guaranteed for T 2 ..
LM7131BCM ,Tiny High Speed Single Supply Operational AmplifierElectrical Characteristics+ − += = = = = =Unless otherwise specified, all limits guaranteed for T 2 ..
LM7131BCM5 ,Tiny High Speed Single Supply Operational AmplifierApplicationsa board close to the signal source or next to an A-to-D input.n Driving video A/D conve ..
LM7131BCM5X ,Tiny High Speed Single Supply Operational AmplifierGeneral Descriptionn Typical supply current 7.0 mA at 5V, 6.5 mA at 3VThe LM7131 is a high speed bi ..
LM7131BCMX ,Tiny High Speed Single Supply Operational AmplifierElectrical Characteristics+ − += = = = = =Unless otherwise specified, all limits guaranteed for T 2 ..
LM7131BCN ,Tiny High Speed Single Supply Operational AmplifierFeaturesn Video cardsn Tiny SOT23-5 package saves space-typical circuitlayouts take half the space ..
LP3962ET-3.3 ,1.5A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulatorapplicationsload, and temperature).Typical Application Circuits10126601*SD and ERROR pins must be p ..
LP3962ET-5.0 ,1.5A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulatorapplications. The LP3962/LP3965 are de-n Available in SOT-223,TO-263 and TO-220 packagesveloped on ..
LP3963ES-1.8 ,3A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorFeaturesn Ultra low dropout voltageThe LP3963/LP3966 series of fast ultra low-dropout linearregulat ..
LP3963ES-2.5 ,3A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorFeaturesn Ultra low dropout voltageThe LP3963/LP3966 series of fast ultra low-dropout linearregulat ..
LP3963ES-3.3 ,3A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorFEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LP3963/LP3966 series of fast ultra low-dropout2• Ultra Low Dropout Voltagel ..
LP3963ES-5.0 ,3A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulatorapplications. The LP3963/LP3966n Available in TO-263 and TO-220 packagesare developed on a CMOS pro ..
Tiny High Speed Single Supply Operational Amplifier
Tiny High Speed Single Supply Operational Amplifier
General DescriptionThe LM7131isa high speed bipolar operational amplifier
availableina tiny SOT23-5 package. This makesthe
LM7131 idealfor space and weight critical designs. Single
supply voltagesof3Vand5V provides good video perfor-
mance, wide bandwidth,low distortion,and high PSRRand
CMRR. This makesthe amplifieran excellent choicefor
desktopand portable video andcomputing applications.The
amplifieris suppliedin surface mount 8-pin and tiny
SOT23-5 packages.
Tiny amplifiersareso small theycanbe placed anywhereon board closetothe signal sourceor nexttoan A-to-D input.
Good high speed performanceatlow voltage makesthe
LM7131a preferredpartfor battery powered designs.
Features Tiny SOT23-5 package saves space-typical circuit
layouts takehalfthe spaceof SO-8 designs. Guaranteed specsat3V,5V,and ±5V supplies Typical supply current7.0mAat5V,6.5mAat3V4V output swing with +5V single supply Typical total harmonic distortionof 0.1%at4 MHz70 MHz Gain-Bandwidth Product90 MHz−3dB bandwidthat3Vand5V, Gain=+1 Designedto drive popular videoA/D converters40mA outputcan drive 50Ω loads Differential gainand phase 0.25%and 0.75˚atAV=+2
Applications Driving videoA/D converters Video outputfor portable computersand PDAs Desktop teleconferencing High fidelity digital audio Video cards
Connection Diagrams
Package Ordering NSC Drawing Package Suppliedas
Information Number Marking8-Pin SO-8 LM7131ACM M08A LM7131ACM rails
8-Pin SO-8 LM7131BCM M08A LM7131BCM rails
8-Pin SO-8 LM7131ACMX M08A LM7131ACM 2.5k units tapeandreel
8-Pin SO-8 LM7131BCMX M08A LM7131BCM 2.5k units tapeandreel
5-Pin SOT 23-5 LM7131ACM5 MA05A A02A 1k unitson tapeandreel
5-Pin SOT 23-5 LM7131BCM5 MA05A A02B 1k unitson tapeandreel
5-Pin SOT 23-5 LM7131ACM5X MA05A A02A 3k units tapeandreel
5-Pin SOT 23-5 LM7131BCM5X MA05A A02B 3k units tapeandreel
8-Pin SO-8DS012313-1
Top View
5-Pin SOT23-5DS012313-2
Top ViewSeptember 1999
Amplifier©1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS012313