LM7121IMX ,175 MHz Tiny Low Power Voltage Feedback AmplifierLM7121 235 MHz Tiny Low Power Voltage Feedback AmplifierAugust 1999LM7121235 MHz Tiny Low Power Vol ..
LM7121IN ,175 MHz Tiny Low Power Voltage Feedback AmplifierElectrical Characteristics+ −Unless otherwise specified, all limits guaranteed for T = 25˚C, V = +1 ..
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LM7131ACM5X ,Tiny High Speed Single Supply Operational AmplifierLM7131 Tiny High Speed Single Supply Operational AmplifierSeptember 1999LM7131Tiny High Speed Singl ..
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LP3962ES-5.0 ,1.5A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorApplicationsthe shutdown pin is pulled low.n Microprocessor power suppliesError Flag: Error flag go ..
LP3962ESX-1.8 ,1.5A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorBlock Diagram LP396510126629
LP3962ESX-2.5 ,1.5A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulatorapplications sectionfor more information.** See Application Hints.
LP3962ESX-2.5 ,1.5A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulatorapplicationssection for more information.** See Application Hints. 2004 National Semiconductor Corp ..
LP3962ESX-3.3 ,1.5A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorLP3962/LP3965 1.5A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorsNovember 2004LP3962/LP39651.5A Fast Ultr ..
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175 MHz Tiny Low Power Voltage Feedback Amplifier
235 MHz Tiny Low Power Voltage Feedback Amplifier
General DescriptionThe LM7121isa high performance operational amplifier
which addressesthe increasingAC performance needsof
video andimaging applications,andthesizeand powercon-
straintsof portable applications.
The LM7121canoperate overa wide dynamic rangeof sup-
ply voltages, from5V(single supply)upto ±15V (see theAp-
plication Informationsectionfor more details).It offers anex-
cellent speed-power product delivering 1300V/μs and 235
MHz Bandwidth(−3dB,AV= +1).Anotherkey featureofthis
operational amplifieris stability while driving unlimitedca-
pacitive loads.
Duetoits Tiny SOT23-5 package,the LM7121is idealfor
designs where spaceand weightarethe critical parameters.
The benefitsofthe Tiny packageare evidentin small por-
table electronic devices, suchas cameras, andPC video
cards. Tiny amplifiersareso smallthat theycanbe placed
anywhereona board closetothe signal sourceor nearthe
inputtoanA/D converter.
Features(Typical unless otherwise noted)VS= ±15V Easytouse voltage feedback topology Stable with unlimited capacitive loads Tiny SOT23-5 package— typical circuit layout takeshalf
the spaceof SO-8 designs Unity gain frequency: 175 MHz Bandwidth(−3dB,AV=+1,RL= 100Ω): 235 MHz Slew rate: 1300V/μs Supply Voltages SO-8: 5Vto ±15V
SOT23-5: 5Vto ±5V Characterizedfor: +5V, ±5V, ±15V Low supply current: 5.3mA
Applications Scanners, colorfax, digital copiersPC video cards Cable drivers Digital cameras ADC/DAC buffers Set-top boxes
Connection Diagrams
Ordering Information
Package Ordering Information NSC Drawing Package SuppliedAs
Number Marking8-Pin SO-8 LM7121IM M08A LM7121IM Rails
LM7121IMX M08A LM7121IM 2.5k Tapeand Reel
5-Pin SOT23-5 LM7121IM5 MA05A A03A 1k Tapeand Reel
LM7121IM5X MA05A A03A 3k Tapeand Reel
8-Pin SO-8DS012348-2
Top View
5-Pin SOT23DS012348-1
Top ViewAugust 1999
Amplifier©1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS012348