LM710 ,Voltage Comparatorapplications. In fact, the lowSchematicandConnectionDiagramsMetalCanPackageTL/H/10410–2TopViewNote: ..
LM710CH ,Voltage ComparatorGeneral Descriptionstray and wiring capacitances that can be realized withThe LM710 series are high ..
LM710CN ,Voltage Comparatorapplications where speed is of prime importance. The circuitThe LM710 series are useful as pulse he ..
LM710H ,Voltage Comparatorapplications re-stages along with minority-carrier lifetime control (gold dop-placing relatively si ..
LM7121 ,175 MHz Tiny Low Power Voltage Feedback Amplifierapplications. YTiny SOT23-5 packageÐtypical circuit layout takes halfthe space of SO-8 designsThe L ..
LM7121IM ,175 MHz Tiny Low Power Voltage Feedback AmplifierFeatures 3 DescriptionThe LM7121 is a high performance operational1• (Typical Unless Otherwise Note ..
LP3961ET-3.3 ,800mA Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorBlock Diagram LP396410112929
LP3962EMP-2.5 ,1.5A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorLP3962/LP3965 1.5A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorsNovember 2004LP3962/LP39651.5A Fast Ultr ..
LP3962EMP-3.3 ,1.5A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorApplicationsthe shutdown pin is pulled low.n Microprocessor power suppliesError Flag: Error flag go ..
LP3962EMP-5.0 ,1.5A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulatorapplicationssection for more information.** See Application Hints. 2004 National Semiconductor Corp ..
LP3962EMPX-1.8 ,1.5A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulatorapplicationsload, and temperature).Typical Application Circuits10126601*SD and ERROR pins must be p ..
LP3962EMPX-2.5 ,1.5A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulatorapplicationsload, and temperature).Typical Application Circuits10126601*SD and ERROR pins must be p ..
Voltage Comparator
February 1995
LM710 Voltage Comparator
General Description
The LM710 seriesare high-speed voltage comparatorsin-
tendedforuseasan accurate, low-level digital level sensorasa replacementfor operational amplifiersin comparator
applications where speedisof prime importance.The circuit
hasa differential inputanda single-ended output,with satu-
rated output levels compatible with practicallyall typesof
integrated logic.
The deviceis builtona single silicon chip which insureslow
offsetand thermal drift. Theuseofa minimum numberof
stages along with minority-carrier lifetime control (gold dop-
ing) makesthe circuit much faster than operational amplifi-
ersin saturating comparator applications.In fact,thelow
stray and wiring capacitances that canbe realized with
monolithic construction makethe device difficultto dupli-
catewith discrete components operatingat equivalent pow- levels.
The LM710 seriesare usefulas pulse height discriminators,
voltage comparatorsin high-speed A/D convertersorgo,
no-go detectorsin automatic test equipment. They also
haveapplicationsin digital systemsasan adjustable-thresh-
old linereceiveroran interface between logictypes.In addi-
tion,thelow costof theunits suggests themfor applications
replacing relatively simple discrete component circuitry.
Schematic and Connection Diagrams
Ceramic FlatpakPackage
SeeNS Package Number W10A
MetalCan Package
Note:Pin4is connected tocase.
LM710H/883or LM710CH
SeeNS Package Number H08C
Dual-In-Line Package
LM710AMJ/883*or LM710CN
SeeNS Package NumberN14Aor J14A
*Alsoavailableper JM38510/10301
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.