LM70CIMMX-3/NOPB ,?2?C Temperature Sensor with SPI Interface 8-VSSOP -55 to 150Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. DC and AC
LM70CIMMX-3/NOPB ,?2?C Temperature Sensor with SPI Interface 8-VSSOP -55 to 150 SNIS112G –JUNE 2000–REVISED MARCH 2013LM70 SPI/MICROWIRE 10-Bit plus Sign Digital Temperature Sens ..
LM70CIMMX-3/NOPB ,?2?C Temperature Sensor with SPI Interface 8-VSSOP -55 to 150Maximum RatingsSupply Voltage−0.3V to 6.0V+Voltage at any Pin−0.3V to V + 0.3V(2)Input Current at a ..
LM70CIMMX-5 ,SPI/MICROWIREtrade10-Bit plus Sign Digital Temperature SensorBlock Diagram10122301 2005 National Semiconductor Corporation DS101223 Connection DiagramsMSOP-8 LL ..
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LM710CH ,Voltage ComparatorGeneral Descriptionstray and wiring capacitances that can be realized withThe LM710 series are high ..
LP3961ESX-2.5 NOPB ,800mA Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulator 5-DDPAK/TO-263 -40 to 125maximum ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. Recommended Operating ..
LP3961ESX-2.5/NOPB ,800mA Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulator 5-DDPAK/TO-263 -40 to 125Maximum Ratings.. 410.2 Layout Example....... 196.2 ESD Ratings........ 410.3 Heatsinking TO-220 Pa ..
LP3961ESX-3.3 NOPB ,800mA Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulator 5-DDPAK/TO-263 -40 to 125Block Diagram... 1012 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable7.3 Feature Description.... 11Information ..
LP3961ESX-3.3/NOPB ,800mA Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulator 5-DDPAK/TO-263 -40 to 125 SNVS056J–MAY 2000–REVISED JUNE 20155 Pin Configurations and Functions5-Pin NDC 5-Pin NDH 5-Pin KTT ..
LP3961ESX-5.0 ,800mA Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulatorapplications. The LP3961/LP3964 are de-n Available in SOT-223,TO-263 and TO-220 packagesveloped on ..
LP3961ET-1.8 ,800mA Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorLP3961/LP3964 800mA Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorsNovember 2004LP3961/LP3964800mA Fast Ul ..
SPI/MICROWIREtrade10-Bit plus Sign Digital Temperature Sensor
SPI/MICROWIRE 10-Bit plus Sign Digital Temperature
General DescriptionThe LM70isa temperature sensor, Delta-Sigma analog-to-
digital converter withan SPI and MICROWIRE compatible
interface availablein LLP and MSOP 8-pin packages. The
host can querythe LM70at any timeto read temperature.A
shutdown mode decreases power consumptionto less than µA. This modeis usefulin systems where low average
power consumptionis critical.
The LM70 has 10-bit plus sign temperature resolution
(0.25˚C per LSB) while operating overa temperature range −55˚Cto +150˚C.
The LM70’s 2.65Vto 5.5V supply voltage range, low supply
current and simple SPI interface makeit idealfora wide
rangeof applications. These include thermal management
and protection applicationsin hard disk drives, printers, elec-
tronic test equipment, and office electronics.
Applications System Thermal Management Personal Computers Disk Drives Office Electronics Electronic Test Equipment
Features 0.25˚C temperature resolution. Shutdown mode conserves power between temperature
reading SPI and MICROWIRE Bus interface MSOP-8 and LLP-8 packages save space
Key Specifications Supply Voltage 2.65Vto 5.5V Supply Current operating 260µA (typ)
490µA (max)
shutdown 12µA (typ) Temperature
−40˚Cto 85˚C ±2˚C(max)
−10˚Cto 65˚C +1.5/−2˚C(max)
−55˚Cto 125˚C +3/−2˚C(max)
−55˚Cto 150˚C +3.5/−2˚C(max)
Simplified Block DiagramFebruary 2005