LM63CIMA ,±1°C/±3°C Accurate Remote Diode Digital Temperature Sensor with Integrated Fan ControlGeneral Descriptionwith 0.125˚C resolutionThe LM63 is a remote diode temperature sensor with inte-n ..
LM63CIMAX ,±1°C/±3°C Accurate Remote Diode Digital Temperature Sensor with Integrated Fan ControlGeneral Descriptionwith 0.125˚C resolutionThe LM63 is a remote diode temperature sensor with inte-n ..
LM63CIMAX NOPB ,Accurate Remote Diode Digital Temperature Sensor w/ Integrated Fan Control 8-SOIC 0 to 125KEY SPECIFICATIONS• Remote Diode Temp Accuracy (with quantization error)Ambient Temp Diode Temp I M ..
LM63CIMAX/NOPB ,Accurate Remote Diode Digital Temperature Sensor w/ Integrated Fan Control 8-SOIC 0 to 125features an integrated, pulse-width-modulated (PWM), open-drain fan control output. Fan• Tachometer ..
LM63DIMA ,±1°C/±3°C Accurate Remote Diode Digital Temperature Sensor with Integrated Fan ControlPin DescriptionsPin Name Input/Output Function and Connection±Connect to a low-noise +3.3 0.3 VDC p ..
LM63DIMAX ,±1°C/±3°C Accurate Remote Diode Digital Temperature Sensor with Integrated Fan ControlPin DescriptionsPin Name Input/Output Function and Connection±Connect to a low-noise +3.3 0.3 VDC p ..
LP3883ES1.2 ,3A Fast-Response Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorsLP3883 3A Fast-Response Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorsAugust 2003LP38833A Fast-Response Ultra ..
LP3883ES-1.2 ,3A Fast-Response Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorsFeatures@n Ultra low dropout voltage (210 mV 3A typ)The LP3883 is a high-current, fast-response reg ..
LP3883ES-1.2/NOPB ,3A Fast-Response Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulators 5-DDPAK/TO-263 -40 to 125FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LP3883 is a high-current, fast-response regulator2• Ultra Low Dropout Volta ..
LP3883ES-1.5 ,3A Fast-Response Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorsApplicationsmum external capacitance is required to maintain loop sta-n DSP Power Suppliesbility.n ..
LP3883ES-1.8 ,3A Fast-Response Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorsFeatures@n Ultra low dropout voltage (210 mV 3A typ)The LP3883 is a high-current, fast-response reg ..
LP3883ESX-1.2 ,3A Fast-Response Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorsApplicationsmum external capacitance is required to maintain loop sta-n DSP Power Suppliesbility.n ..
±1°C/±3°C Accurate Remote Diode Digital Temperature Sensor with Integrated Fan Control
±1˚C/±3˚C Accurate Remote Diode Digital Temperature
Sensor with Integrated Fan Control
General DescriptionThe LM63isa remote diode temperature sensor with inte-
grated fan control. The LM63 accurately measures:(1)its
own temperature and (2) the temperatureofa diode-
connected transistor, suchasa 2N3904,ora thermal diode
commonly foundon Computer Processors, Graphics Pro-
cessor Units (GPU) and other ASIC’s. The LM63 remote
temperature sensor’s accuracyis factory trimmedfor the
series resistance and 1.0021 non-idealityof the Intel® 0.13 Pentium®4 and Mobile Pentium4 Processor-M thermal
diode. The LM63 hasan offset registerto correctfor errors
causedby different non-ideality factorsof other thermaldi-
odes. For the latest information contact
hardware.monitor.team .The LM63 also features an integrated, pulse-width-
modulated (PWM), open-drainfan control output. Fan speeda combinationof the remote temperature reading, the
lookup table and the register settings. The 8-step Lookup
Table enablesthe userto programa non-linearfan speedvs.
temperature transfer function often usedto quiet acoustic
fan noise.
Features Accurately senses diode-connected 2N3904 transistors thermal diodes on-board large processorsor ASIC’s Accurately sensesits own temperature Factory trimmedfor Intel Pentium4 and Mobile Pentium Processor-M thermal diodes Integrated PWM fan speed control output Acousticfan noise reduction with User-programmable
8-step Lookup Table Multi-function, user-selectablepinfor either ALERT
output,or Tachometer input, functions Tachometer inputfor measuring fan RPM Offset register can adjustfora varietyof thermal diodes10bit plus sign remote diode temperature data format,
with 0.125˚C resolution SMBus 2.0 compatible interface, supports TIMEOUT LM86-compatible pinout LM86-compatible registerset 8-pin SOIC package
Key Specifications Remote Diode Temp Accuracy (with quantization
Max Version Max
Errorto 50˚C 60to 100˚C5 mA LM63C ±1.0˚Cto 50˚C 60to 100˚C5 mA LM63D ±3.0˚Cto 85˚C 25to 125˚C8 mA All ±3.0˚C Local Temp Accuracy (includes quantization error)
Ambient Temp Max Error25˚Cto 125˚C ±3.0˚C Supply Voltage 3.0Vto3.6V Supply Current 1.3 mA (typ)
Applications Computer Processor Thermal Management
(Laptop, Desktop, Workstations, Servers) Graphics Processor Thermal Management Electronic Test Equipment Projectors Office Equipment Industrial Controls
Connection DiagramMay 2003