LM6313N ,High Power Operational Amplifierfeatures a 35 MHz small sig- Wide bandwidth 35 MHznalbandwidth,and250V/msslewrate.Acompensationpin ..
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High Power Operational Amplifier
February 1995
LM6313 High Speed,
High Power Operational Amplifier
General Description
The LM6313isa high-speed, high-power operational ampli-
fier. This operational amplifier featuresa35 MHz smallsig-
nal bandwidth, and250 V/ms slew rate. Acompensationpin includedfor adjustingthe open loop bandwidth.The input
stage (A1)and output stage (A2)are pinnedout separately,
andcanbe used independently.The operational amplifieris
designed for low impedance loads and will deliver
g300 mA.The LM6313has both overcurrentand thermal
shutdown protection withan errorflagto signal both these
fault conditions.
These amplifiersare built with National’s VIPTM (Vertically
Integrated PNP) process which providesfast PNP transis-
torsthatare true complementstothe alreadyfast NPNde-
vices. This advanced junction-isolated process delivers high
speed performance withoutthe needfor complex andex-
pensive dielectric isolation.
Features High slew rate 250 V/ms Wide bandwidth 35 MHz Peak output current g300mA Inputand output stages pinnedout separately Singleor dual supply operation Thermal protection Errorflag warnsof faults Wide supply voltage range g5Vto g15V
Applications High speed ATEpin driver Data acquisition Driving capacitive loads Flash A-D input driver Precision 50X–75X videoline driver Laser diode driver
Connection Diagram
Dual-In-Line Package
Top View
Order Number LM6313N
SeeNS Package Number N16A
SeeNote5and Applications.
**Donot groundor otherwise connecttothispin.
Typical Application
VIPTM isatrademark ofNationalSemiconductorCorporation.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M75/PrintedinU.S.A.