LM62CIM3X ,2.7V, 15.6mV/deg C, SOT-23 Temperature SensorFeaturesn Output Impedance 4.7 kΩ (max)n Calibrated linear scale factor of +15.6 mV/˚CConnection Di ..
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2.7V, 15.6mV/deg C, SOT-23 Temperature Sensor
2.7V, 15.6 mV/˚C SOT-23 Temperature Sensor
General DescriptionThe LM62isa precision integrated-circuit temperature sen-
sor that can sensea 0˚Cto +90˚C temperature range while
operating froma single +3.0V supply. The LM62’s output
voltageis linearly proportionalto Celsius (Centigrade) tem-
perature (+15.6 mV/˚C) and hasa DC offsetof +480 mV.
The offset allows reading temperatures downto 0˚C without
theneedfora negative supply. The nominaloutput voltageof
the LM62 ranges from +480 mVto +1884 mVfora 0˚Cto
+90˚C temperature range. The LM62is calibratedto provide
accuraciesof ±2.0˚Cat room temperature and +2.5˚C/
−2.0˚C over thefull 0˚Cto +90˚C temperature range.
The LM62’s linear output, +480 mV offset, and factory cali-
bration simplify external circuitry requiredina single supply
environment where reading temperatures downto 0˚Cis
required. Becausethe LM62’s quiescent currentis less than
130 μA, self-heatingis limitedtoa very low 0.2˚Cin stillair.
Shutdown capabilityfor the LM62is intrinsic becauseits
inherent low power consumption allowsittobe powered
directly fromthe outputof many logic gates.
Features Calibrated linear scale factorof +15.6 mV/˚C Ratedforfull 0˚Cto +90˚C range with 3.0V supply Suitablefor remote applications
Applications Cellular Phones Computers Power Supply Modules Battery Management FAX Machines Printers HVAC Disk Drives Appliances
Key Specifications Accuracyat 25˚C ±2.0or ±3.0˚C (max) Temperature Slope +15.6 mV/˚C Power Supply Voltage Range +2.7Vto +10V Current Drain@ 25˚C 130μA (max) Nonlinearity ±0.8˚C (max) Output Impedance 4.7kΩ (max)
Connection Diagram
Ordering Information
Order SOT-23
Number Device SuppliedAs
MarkingLM62BIM3 T7B 1000 Unitson Tape and Reel
LM62BIM3X T7B 3000 Unitson Tape and Reel
LM62CIM3 T7C 1000 Unitson Tape and Reel
LM62CIM3X T7C 3000 Unitson Tape and Reel
Typical Application
Top View
See NS Package Number MA03BDS100893-2= (+15.6 mV/˚Cx T˚C)+480mV
Temperature(T) TypicalVO+90˚C +1884 mV
+70˚C +1572 mV
+25˚C 870 mV
0˚C +480 mV
FIGURE1. Full-Range Centigrade Temperature Sensor
(0˚Cto +90˚C) Stabilizinga Crystal OscillatorJune 1999