LM629N-6 ,Precision Motion ControllerLM628/LM629 Precision Motion ControllerJanuary 2003LM628/LM629Precision Motion Controller
LM629N-8 ,Precision Motion ControllerLM628/LM629 Precision Motion ControllerJanuary 2003LM628/LM629Precision Motion Controller
LM62BIM3 ,2.7V, 15.6mV/deg C, SOT-23 Temperature SensorapplicationsThe LM62 is a precision integrated-circuit temperature sen-sor that can sense a 0˚C to ..
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LM62CIM3X ,2.7V, 15.6mV/deg C, SOT-23 Temperature SensorFeaturesn Output Impedance 4.7 kΩ (max)n Calibrated linear scale factor of +15.6 mV/˚CConnection Di ..
LP3874ESX-2.5 ,0.8A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulators
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LP3874ESX-ADJ ,0.8A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorsApplicationsGround Pin Current: Typically 6mA at 0.8A load current.n Microprocessor power suppliesS ..
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Precision Motion Controller
Precision Motion Controller
General DescriptionThe LM628/LM629 are dedicated motion-control processors
designedfor use witha varietyof DC and brushless DC
servo motors, and other servomechanisms which providea
quadrature incremental position feedback signal. The parts
performthe intensive, real-time computational tasks required
for high performance digital motion control. The host control
software interfaceis facilitatedbya high-level command set.
The LM628 hasan 8-bit output which can drive eitheran
8-bitora 12-bit DAC. The components requiredto builda
servo system are reducedto the DC motor/actuator,an
incremental encoder,a DAC,a power amplifier, and the
LM628.An LM629-based systemis similar, except thatit
providesan 8-bit PWM outputfor directly driving H-switches.
The parts are fabricatedin NMOS and packagedina 28-pin
dual in-line packageora 24-pin surface mount package
(LM629 only). Both6 MHz and8 MHz maximum frequency
versions are available with the suffixes-6 and-8, respec-
tively, usedto designate the versions. They incorporatean
SDA core processor and cells designedby SDA.
Features 32-bit position, velocity, and acceleration registers Programmable digital PID filter with 16-bit coefficients Programmable derivative sampling interval8-or 12-bit DAC output data (LM628) 8-bit sign-magnitude PWM output data (LM629) Internal trapezoidal velocity profile generator Velocity, target position, and filter parameters maybe
changed during motion Position and velocity modesof operation Real-time programmable host interrupts 8-bit parallel asynchronous host interface Quadrature incremental encoder interface with index
pulse input Availableina 28-pin dual in-line packageora 24-pin
surface mount package (LM629 only)
FIGURE1. Block Diagram
January 2003