LM6364M ,High Speed Operational AmplifierFeaturesn High slew rate: 300 V/μsThe LM6164 family of high-speed amplifiers exhibits an ex-cellent ..
LM6364MX ,High Speed Operational AmplifierFeaturesn High slew rate: 300 V/μsThe LM6164 family of high-speed amplifiers exhibits an ex-cellent ..
LM6364N ,High Speed Operational AmplifierLM6164/LM6264/LM6364 High Speed Operational AmplifierMay 1999LM6164/LM6264/LM6364High Speed Operati ..
LM6365M ,High Speed Operational AmplifierGeneral Descriptionn Low supply current: 5 mAThe LM6165 family of high-speed amplifiers exhibits an ..
LM6365MX ,High Speed Operational AmplifierFeaturesn High slew rate: 300 V/μsConnection Diagrams10-Lead FlatpakTop ViewDS009152-14Order Number ..
LM6365N ,High Speed Operational AmplifierLM6165/LM6265/LM6365 High Speed Operational AmplifierMay 1999LM6165/LM6265/LM6365High Speed Operati ..
LP3879MR-1.0 , Micropower 800mA Low Noise Ceramic Stable Voltage Regulator for Low Voltage Applications
LP3879MR-1.2 ,Micropower 800mA Low Noise 'Ceramic Stable' Adjustable Voltage Regulator for Low Voltage App. 8-SO PowerPAD FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LP3879 is a 800 mA fixed-output voltage2• Standard Output Voltage: 1.00V, 1 ..
LP3879SD-1.2/NOPB ,Micropower 800mA Low Noise 'Ceramic Stable' Adjustable Voltage Regulator for Low Voltage App. 8-WSON Electrical specifications do not applywhen operating the device outside of its rated operating cond ..
LP3881ES-1.2 ,0.8A Fast-Response Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorsLP3881 0.8A Fast-Response Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorsAugust 2003LP38810.8A Fast-Response Ul ..
LP3881ES-1.5 ,0.8A Fast-Response Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorsFeaturesn Ultra low dropout voltage (75 mV @ 0.8A typ)The LP3881 is a high current, fast response r ..
LP3881ES-1.8 ,0.8A Fast-Response Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorsApplicationsmum external capacitance is required to maintain loop sta-n DSP Power Suppliesbility.n ..
High Speed Operational Amplifier
High Speed Operational Amplifier
General DescriptionThe LM6164 familyof high-speed amplifiers exhibitsanex-
cellent speed-power productin delivering 300Vperμsand
175 MHz GBW (stabledownto gainsaslowas+5)with onlymAof supply current. Further power savingsand applica-
tion convenienceare possibleby taking advantageofthe
wide dynamic rangein operating supply voltage whichex-
tendsallthe way downto +5V.
These amplifiersare builtwith National’s VIP™ (VerticallyIn-
tegrated PNP) process which producesfast PNP transistors
thatare true complementstothe alreadyfast NPN devices.
Thisadvanced junction-isolated process delivers high speed
performancewithoutthe needfor complexand expensivedi-
electric isolation.
Features High slew rate: 300 V/μs High GBW product: 175 MHz Low supply current:5mA Fast settling: 100nsto 0.1% Low differential gain: <0.1% Low differential phase: <0.1˚ Wide supply range: 4.75Vto32V Stable with unlimited capacitive load
Applications Video amplifier Wide-bandwidth signal conditioning Radar Sonar
Connection DiagramsVIP™isa trademarkof National SemiconductorCorporation.
Package Number
J08A, M08Aor N08E
10-Lead FlatpakDS009153-15
Top View Package Number W10AMay 1999
Amplifier 1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS009153