LM6364 ,High Speed Operational AmplifierElectrical Characteristics The following specifications apply for Supply Voltage 15V, V 0,CMt e e e ..
LM6364M ,High Speed Operational AmplifierFeaturesn High slew rate: 300 V/μsThe LM6164 family of high-speed amplifiers exhibits an ex-cellent ..
LM6364MX ,High Speed Operational AmplifierFeaturesn High slew rate: 300 V/μsThe LM6164 family of high-speed amplifiers exhibits an ex-cellent ..
LM6364N ,High Speed Operational AmplifierLM6164/LM6264/LM6364 High Speed Operational AmplifierMay 1999LM6164/LM6264/LM6364High Speed Operati ..
LM6365M ,High Speed Operational AmplifierGeneral Descriptionn Low supply current: 5 mAThe LM6165 family of high-speed amplifiers exhibits an ..
LM6365MX ,High Speed Operational AmplifierFeaturesn High slew rate: 300 V/μsConnection Diagrams10-Lead FlatpakTop ViewDS009152-14Order Number ..
LP3879MR-1.0 , Micropower 800mA Low Noise Ceramic Stable Voltage Regulator for Low Voltage Applications
LP3879MR-1.2 ,Micropower 800mA Low Noise 'Ceramic Stable' Adjustable Voltage Regulator for Low Voltage App. 8-SO PowerPAD FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LP3879 is a 800 mA fixed-output voltage2• Standard Output Voltage: 1.00V, 1 ..
LP3879SD-1.2/NOPB ,Micropower 800mA Low Noise 'Ceramic Stable' Adjustable Voltage Regulator for Low Voltage App. 8-WSON Electrical specifications do not applywhen operating the device outside of its rated operating cond ..
LP3881ES-1.2 ,0.8A Fast-Response Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorsLP3881 0.8A Fast-Response Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorsAugust 2003LP38810.8A Fast-Response Ul ..
LP3881ES-1.5 ,0.8A Fast-Response Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorsFeaturesn Ultra low dropout voltage (75 mV @ 0.8A typ)The LP3881 is a high current, fast response r ..
LP3881ES-1.8 ,0.8A Fast-Response Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorsApplicationsmum external capacitance is required to maintain loop sta-n DSP Power Suppliesbility.n ..
High Speed Operational Amplifier
September 1995
High Speed Operational Amplifier
General Description
The LM6164 familyof high-speed amplifiers exhibitsanex-
cellent speed-power productin delivering 300Vpermsand
175 MHz GBW (stable downto gainsaslowas a5) with
only5mAof supply current. Further power savingsandap-
plication convenienceare possibleby taking advantageof
the wide dynamic rangein operating supply voltage which
extendsallthe way downto a5V.
These amplifiersare built with National’s VIPTM (Vertically
Integrated PNP) process which producesfast PNP transis-
torsthatare true complementstothe alreadyfast NPNde-
vices. This advanced junction-isolated process delivers high
speed performance withoutthe needfor complex andex-
pensive dielectric isolation.
VIPTM isatrademark ofNationalSemiconductorCorporation.
Features High slew rate 300 V/ms High GBW product 175 MHz Low supply current 5mA Fast settling 100nsto 0.1% Low differential gain k0.1% Low differential phase k0.1§ Wide supply range 4.75Vto 32V Stable with unlimited capacitive load
Applications Video amplifier Wide-bandwidth signal conditioning Radar Sonar
Connection Diagrams
J08A, M08Aor N08E
20-Lead LCC
Top View
10-Lead Flatpak
TopView Package Number W10A
Temperature Range
Package Drawing
NSCMilitary Industrial Commercial
b55§CsTAs a125§C b25§CsTAs a85§C0§C sTAs a70§C
LM6264N LM6364N 8-Pin MoldedDIP N08E
LM6164J/883 8-Pin CeramicDIP J08A
LM6364M 8-Pin Molded SurfaceMt. M08A
LM6164E/883 20-LeadLCC E20A
LM6164W/883 10-Pin W10A
5962-8962401HA Ceramic Flatpak
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.