LM6221N ,High Speed BufferApplicationsn Line Drivingn Radarn SonarSimplified SchematicDS009223-1Numbers in ( ) are for 8-pin ..
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High Speed Buffer
High Speed Buffer
General DescriptionThese high speed unity gain buffers slewat 800 V/μsand
havea small signal bandwidthof 50MHzwhile drivinga 50Ω
load. They can drive ±300mA peak anddonot oscillate
while driving large capacitive loads. The LM6121 familyare
monolithic ICs which offer performance similarto the
LH0002withthe additional featuresof currentlimitand ther-
mal shutdown.
These buffersare built with National’s VIP™ (Vertically Inte-
grated PNP) process which providesfast PNP transistors
thatare true complementstothe alreadyfast NPN devices.
Thisadvanced junction-isolated process delivers high speed
performancewithoutthe needfor complexand expensivedi-
electric isolation.
Features High slew rate: 800 V/μs Wide bandwidth:50 MHz Slewrateand bandwidth 100% tested Peak output current: ±300mA High input impedance:5MΩ LH0002Hpin compatibleNo oscillations with capacitive loads5Vto ±15V operation guaranteed Currentand thermal limiting Fully specifiedto drive 50Ω lines
Applications Line Driving Radar Sonar
Simplified SchematicVIP™isa trademarkof National SemiconductorCorporation.
May 1998
Buffer 1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS009223