LM621N ,LM621 Brushless Motor CommutatorLM621BrushlessMotorCommutatorAugust1992LM621BrushlessMotorCommutatorYOutputs drive bipolar power de ..
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LM621 Brushless Motor Commutator
August 1992
LM621 Brushless Motor Commutator
General Description
The LM621isa bipolarIC designedfor commutationof
brushlessDC motors. The partis compatible with both
three-and four-phase motors.It candirectly drivethe power
switching devices usedto drivethe motor.The LM621pro-
videsan adjustable dead-time circuitto eliminate ‘‘shoot-
through’’ current spikinginthe power switching circuitry.
Operationis froma5V supply,but output swingsofupto
40Vare accommodated.Thepartis packagedinan 18-pin,
dual-in-line package.
Features Adjustable dead-time feature eliminates current spiking On-chip clock oscillatorfor dead-time feature Outputs drive bipolar power devices(upto35mA base
current)or MOSFET power devices Compatible with three- and four-phase motors... Bipolar driveto delta-or Y-wound motors Unipolar driveto center-tapped Y-wound motors Supports 30- and 60-degree shaft position sensor
placementsfor three-phase motors Supports 90-degree sensor placementfor four-phase
motors Directly interfacesto pulse-width modulator output(s)
via OUTPUT INHIBIT (PWM magnitude) and DIREC-
TION (PWM sign) inputs Direct interfacetoHall sensors Outputsare current limited Undervoltage lockout
Connection Diagram
Order Number LM621N
SeeNS PackageNumberN18A
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.