LM61BIM3/NOPB ,?2?C Analog Output Temperature Sensor with TO-92 Option 3-SOT-23 -25 to 85Features 3 DescriptionThe LM61 device is a precision, integrated-circuit1• Calibrated Linear Scale ..
LM61BIM3X ,2.7V, SOT-23 or TO-92 Temperature SensorFeaturesn Calibrated linear scale factor of +10 mV/˚C j Nonlinearity ±0.8˚C (max)n Rated for full − ..
LM61BIM3X ,2.7V, SOT-23 or TO-92 Temperature Sensorapplicationsn UL Recognized ComponentTypical Application01289702V = (+10 mV/˚C x T ˚C) + 600 mVOTem ..
LM61BIM3X ,2.7V, SOT-23 or TO-92 Temperature SensorApplicationsn Cellular PhonesThe LM61 is a precision integrated-circuit temperature sen-sor that ca ..
LM61BIZ ,2.7V, SOT-23 or TO-92 Temperature SensorLM61 2.7V, SOT-23 or TO-92 Temperature SensorFebruary 2004LM612.7V, SOT-23 or TO-92 Temperature Sen ..
LM61CIM3 ,2.7V, SOT-23 or TO-92 Temperature SensorApplicationsn Cellular PhonesThe LM61 is a precision integrated-circuit temperature sen-sor that ca ..
LP3872EMP-5.0 ,1.5A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulator
LP3872EMPX-2.5 ,1.5A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulator
LP3872EMPX-2.5/NOPB ,1.5A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulator 5-SOT-223 -40 to 125Features 3 DescriptionThe LP387x series of fast ultra low-dropout linear1• Input Voltage Range: 2.5 ..
LP3872ES-1.8 ,1.5A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulator
LP3872ES-2.5 ,1.5A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulator
LP3873ES-1.8 ,3A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulator
?2?C Analog Output Temperature Sensor with TO-92 Option 3-SOT-23 -25 to 85
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LM61 2.7-V, SOT-23 or TO-92 Temperature Sensor Features Calibrated Linear Scale Factorof 10 mV/°C Rated for Full Temperature Range (–30°to
100°C) Suitablefor Remote Applications UL Recognized Component ±2°Cor ±3°C Accuracyat 25°C (Maximum) ±3°C Accuracyfor –25°Cto 85°C (Maximum) ±4°C Accuracyfor –30°Cto 100°C (Maximum) 10 mV/°C Temperature Slope (Maximum) 2.7-Vto 10-V Power Supply Voltage Range 125-µA Current Drainat 25°C (Maximum) ±0.8°C Nonlinearity (Maximum) 800-Ω Output Impedance (Maximum)
Applications Cellular Phones Computers Power Supply Modules Battery Management FAX Machines Printers HVAC Disk Drives Appliances
DescriptionThe LM61 deviceisa precision, integrated-circuit
temperature sensor that can sensea –30°Cto 100°C
temperature range while operating froma single
2.7‑V supply. The output voltage of the LM61is
linearly proportionalto temperature (10 mV/°C) and
hasa DC offsetof 600 mV. The offset allows reading
negative temperatures without the need for a
negative supply. The nominal output voltageof the
LM61 ranges from 300 mVto 1600 mV fora –30°Cto
100°C temperature range. The LM61is calibratedto
provide accuraciesof ±2°Cat room temperature and
±3°C over the full –25°Cto 85°C temperature range.
The linear outputof the LM61, 600-mV offset, and
factory calibration simplify external circuitry required a single supply environment where reading
negative temperatures is required. Because the
quiescent currentis less than 125 µA, self-heatingis
limited toa very low 0.2°Cin still air. Shutdown
capability for the LM61 is intrinsic because its
inherent low power consumption allowsit to be
powered directly from the outputof many logic gates.
Device Information(1)(1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumat
the endofthe data sheet.
Typical Application
Key Specifications