LM61BIM3X ,2.7V, SOT-23 or TO-92 Temperature SensorFeaturesn Calibrated linear scale factor of +10 mV/˚C j Nonlinearity ±0.8˚C (max)n Rated for full − ..
LM61BIM3X ,2.7V, SOT-23 or TO-92 Temperature Sensorapplicationsn UL Recognized ComponentTypical Application01289702V = (+10 mV/˚C x T ˚C) + 600 mVOTem ..
LM61BIM3X ,2.7V, SOT-23 or TO-92 Temperature SensorApplicationsn Cellular PhonesThe LM61 is a precision integrated-circuit temperature sen-sor that ca ..
LM61BIZ ,2.7V, SOT-23 or TO-92 Temperature SensorLM61 2.7V, SOT-23 or TO-92 Temperature SensorFebruary 2004LM612.7V, SOT-23 or TO-92 Temperature Sen ..
LM61CIM3 ,2.7V, SOT-23 or TO-92 Temperature SensorApplicationsn Cellular PhonesThe LM61 is a precision integrated-circuit temperature sen-sor that ca ..
LM61CIM3X/NOPB ,?2?C Analog Output Temperature Sensor with TO-92 Option 3-SOT-23 -30 to 100Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly, which do no ..
LP3872EMPX-2.5 ,1.5A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulator
LP3872EMPX-2.5/NOPB ,1.5A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulator 5-SOT-223 -40 to 125Features 3 DescriptionThe LP387x series of fast ultra low-dropout linear1• Input Voltage Range: 2.5 ..
LP3872ES-1.8 ,1.5A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulator
LP3872ES-2.5 ,1.5A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulator
LP3873ES-1.8 ,3A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulator
LP3873ES-1.8 ,3A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulator
2.7V, SOT-23 or TO-92 Temperature Sensor
2.7V, SOT-23 or TO-92 Temperature Sensor
General DescriptionThe LM61isa precision integrated-circuit temperature sen-
sor that can sensea −30˚Cto +100˚C temperature range
while operating froma single +2.7V supply. The LM61’s
output voltageis linearly proportionalto Celsius (Centigrade)
temperature (+10 mV/˚C) and hasa DC offsetof +600 mV.
The offset allows reading negative temperatures withoutthe
needfora negativesupply. The nominal output voltageofthe
LM61 ranges from +300 mVto +1600 mVfora −30˚Cto
+100˚C temperature range. The LM61is calibratedto pro-
vide accuraciesof ±2.0˚Cat room temperature and ±3˚C
over thefull −25˚Cto +85˚C temperature range.
The LM61’s linear output, +600 mV offset, and factory cali-
bration simplify external circuitry requiredina single supply
environment where reading negative temperaturesis re-
quired. Because the LM61’s quiescent currentis less than
125 µA, self-heatingis limitedtoa very low 0.2˚Cin stillair.
Shutdown capabilityfor the LM61is intrinsic becauseits
inherent low power consumption allowsittobe powered
directly fromthe outputof many logic gates.
Features Calibrated linear scale factorof +10 mV/˚C Ratedforfull −30˚to +100˚C range Suitablefor remote applications UL Recognized Component
Applications Cellular Phones Computers Power Supply Modules Battery Management FAX Machines Printers HVAC Disk Drives Appliances
Key Specifications Accuracyat 25˚C ±2.0or ±3.0˚C
(max) Accuracyfor −30˚Cto +100˚C ±4.0˚C (max) Accuracyfor −25˚Cto +85˚C ±3.0˚C (max) Temperature Slope +10 mV/˚C Power Supply Voltage Range +2.7Vto +10V Current Drain@ 25˚C 125µA (max) Nonlinearity ±0.8˚C (max) Output Impedance 800Ω (max)
Typical Application01289702= (+10 mV/˚CxT˚C)+ 600 mV
Temperature(T) TypicalVO+100˚C +1600 mV
+85˚C +1450 mV
+25˚C +850 mV
0˚C +600 mV
−25˚C +350 mV
−30˚C +300 mV
FIGURE1. Full-Range Centigrade Temperature Sensor (−30˚Cto +100˚C)
Operating froma Single Li-Ion Battery CellFebruary 2004