LM6182AIM ,Dual 100 mA Output/ 100 MHz Current Feedback Amplifierapplications.n Low Offset Voltage: 2 mV™Built on National’s advanced high-speed VIP II (Verticallyn ..
LM6182AIN ,Dual 100 mA Output/ 100 MHz Current Feedback Amplifierfeatures.n Facsimile and Imaging SystemsTypical ApplicationDS011926-1DS011926-2VIP II™ is a tradema ..
LM6182IM ,Dual 100 mA Output/ 100 MHz Current Feedback AmplifierApplicationsthe two independent amplifiers of the LM6182 offer perfor-n Coax Cable Drivermance that ..
LM6182IM ,Dual 100 mA Output/ 100 MHz Current Feedback AmplifierFeaturesThe LM6182 dual current feedback amplifier offers an unpar- (Typical unless otherwise noted ..
LM6182IMX ,Dual 100 mA Output, 100 MHz Current Feedback Amplifierfeatures.n Facsimile and Imaging SystemsTypical ApplicationDS011926-1DS011926-2VIP II™ is a tradema ..
LM6182IN ,Dual 100 mA Output, 100 MHz Current Feedback Amplifierfeatures.n Facsimile and Imaging SystemsTypical ApplicationDS011926-1DS011926-2VIP II™ is a tradema ..
LP3871ES-3.3 ,0.8A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulators
LP3871ES-3.3 ,0.8A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulators
LP3871ES-5.0 ,0.8A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulators
LP3871ESX-2.5 ,0.8A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulators
LP3871ESX-3.3 ,0.8A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulators
LP3871ET-1.8 ,0.8A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulators
Dual 100 mA Output/ 100 MHz Current Feedback Amplifier
Dual 100 mA Output, 100 MHz Current Feedback
General DescriptionThe LM6182 dual currentfeedbackamplifieroffersan unpar-
alleled combinationof bandwidth, slew-rate,and outputcur-
rent. Each amplifiercan directly drivea2V signalintoa 50Ω 75Ω back-terminated coax cable system overthefullin-
dustrial temperature range. This representsa radicalen-
hancementin output drive capabilityfora dual 8-pin
high-speed amplifier makingit idealfor video applications.
Builton National’s advanced high-speedVIPII™ (Vertically
Integrated PNP) process, the LM6182 employs
current-feedback providing bandwidth that doesnot vary
dramaticallywith gain;100 MHzatAv=−1,60 MHz atAv=
−10. Witha slewrateof 2000 V/μsec,2nd harmonic distor-
tionof−50dBcat10 MHzand settling timeof50ns (0.1%),
thetwo independent amplifiersofthe LM6182 offer perfor-
mancethat isidealfor data acquisition, high-speed ATE,and
precision pulse amplifier applications.
Seethe LM6181 data sheetfora single amplifier with these
same features.
Features(Typical unless otherwise noted) Slew Rate: 2000 V/μs Closed Loop Bandwidth: 100 MHz Settling Time (0.1%): 50ns Low Differential Gainand Phase Error: 0.05%, 0.04˚= 150Ω Low Offset Voltage:2mV High Output Drive: ±10Vinto 150Ω Characterizedfor Supply Ranges: ±5Vand ±15V Improved Performance over OP260and LT1229
Applications Coax Cable Driver Professional Studio Video Equipment Flash ADC BufferPCand Workstation Video Boards Facsimileand Imaging Systems
Typical ApplicationVIPII™isa trademarkof National SemiconductorCorporation.
April 1994
Amplifier 1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS011926