LM6181IM-8 ,100 mA, 100 MHz Current Feedback AmplifierApplicationscally with gain; 100 MHz at A = −1, 60 MHz at A = −10.V VWithaslewrateof2000V/µs,2ndhar ..
LM6181IM8/NOPB ,100 mA, 100 MHz Current Feedback Amplifier 8-SOIC -40 to 85Electrical Characteristics.. 810 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable6.9 Typical Performance Charac ..
LM6181IMX-8 ,100 mA, 100 MHz Current Feedback AmplifierElectrical Characteristics±The following specifications apply for Supply Voltage = 15V, R = 820Ω, a ..
LM6181IMX-8/NOPB ,100 mA, 100 MHz Current Feedback Amplifier 8-SOIC -40 to 85Features 3 DescriptionThe LM6181 current-feedback amplifier offers an1• Slew Rate: 2000 V/μsunparal ..
LM6181IN ,100 mA, 100 MHz Current Feedback AmplifierLM6181 100 mA, 100 MHz Current Feedback AmplifierMay 1998LM6181100 mA, 100 MHz Current Feedback Amp ..
LM6182AIM ,Dual 100 mA Output/ 100 MHz Current Feedback Amplifierapplications.n Low Offset Voltage: 2 mV™Built on National’s advanced high-speed VIP II (Verticallyn ..
LP3871EMP-2.5 ,0.8A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulators
LP3871ES-1.8/ ,0.8A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulators
LP3871ES-3.3 ,0.8A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulators
LP3871ES-3.3 ,0.8A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulators
LP3871ES-5.0 ,0.8A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulators
LP3871ESX-2.5 ,0.8A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulators
100 mA, 100 MHz Current Feedback Amplifier
100 mA, 100 MHz Current Feedback Amplifier
General DescriptionThe LM6181 current-feedback amplifier offersan unparal-
leled combinationof bandwidth, slew-rate, and output cur-
rent. The amplifier can directly driveupto 100pF capacitive
loads without oscillating anda 10V signal intoa 50Ωor 75Ω
back-terminated coax cable system over thefull industrial
temperature range. This representsa radical enhancement output drive capabilityforan 8-pin DIP high-speed ampli-
fier makingit idealfor video applications.
Builton National’s advanced high-speed VIP™II (Vertically
Integrated PNP) process, the LM6181 employs current-
feedback providing bandwidth that does not vary dramati-
cally with gain; 100 MHzatAV= −1,60 MHzatAV= −10.
Witha slew rateof 2000V/µs, 2nd harmonic distortionof −50
dBcat10 MHz and settling timeof50ns (0.1%)the LM6181
dynamic performance makesit idealfor data acquisition,
high speed ATE, and precision pulse amplifier applications.
Features(Typical unless otherwise noted) Slew rate: 2000 V/µs Settling time (0.1%): 50ns Characterizedfor supply ranges: ±5V and ±15V Low differential gain and phase error: 0.05%, 0.04˚ High output drive: ±10V into 100Ω Guaranteed bandwidth and slew rate Improved performance over EL2020, OP160, AD844,
LT1223 and HA5004
Applications Coax cable driver Video amplifier Flash ADC buffer High frequency filter Scanner and Imaging systems
Typical ApplicationCable Driver
May 1998