LM6181AIM-8 ,100 mA/ 100 MHz Current Feedback Amplifierapplications.n High frequency filtern Scanner and Imaging systemsTypical ApplicationDS011328-1Cable ..
LM6181AIN ,100 mA, 100 MHz Current Feedback AmplifierElectrical Characteristics= ± = =The following specifications apply for Supply Voltage 15V, R 820Ω, ..
LM6181IM ,100 mA, 100 MHz Current Feedback Amplifierapplications.n High frequency filtern Scanner and Imaging systemsTypical Application01132801Cable D ..
LM6181IM8 ,100 mA, 100 MHz Current Feedback AmplifierFeaturesThe LM6181 current-feedback amplifier offers an unparal- (Typical unless otherwise noted)le ..
LM6181IM-8 ,100 mA, 100 MHz Current Feedback AmplifierApplicationscally with gain; 100 MHz at A = −1, 60 MHz at A = −10.V VWithaslewrateof2000V/µs,2ndhar ..
LM6181IM8/NOPB ,100 mA, 100 MHz Current Feedback Amplifier 8-SOIC -40 to 85Electrical Characteristics.. 810 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable6.9 Typical Performance Charac ..
LP38693MP-2.5 ,500mA Low Dropout CMOS Linear RegulatorsLP38691/LP38693 500mA Low Dropout CMOS Linear RegulatorsStable with Ceramic Output CapacitorsPRELIM ..
LP38693MP-3.3 ,500mA Low Dropout CMOS Linear RegulatorsFeaturesn 2.0% output accuracy (25˚C)The LP38691/3 low dropout CMOS linear regulators provide@tight ..
LP38693SD-2.5 ,500mA Low Dropout CMOS Linear RegulatorsFeaturesn 2.0% output accuracy (25˚C)The LP38691/3 low dropout CMOS linear regulators provide@tight ..
LP38693SD-3.3 ,500mA Low Dropout CMOS Linear RegulatorsFeaturesn 2.0% output accuracy (25˚C)The LP38691/3 low dropout CMOS linear regulators provide@tight ..
LP38693SD-5.0 ,500mA Low Dropout CMOS Linear RegulatorsApplications@Dropout Voltage: 250 mV (typ) 500mA (typ. 5V out).n Hard Disk DrivesGround Pin Current ..
LP38693SD-ADJ ,500mA Low Dropout CMOS Linear Regulators with Adjustable Output
100 mA/ 100 MHz Current Feedback Amplifier
100 mA, 100 MHz Current Feedback Amplifier
General DescriptionThe LM6181 current-feedback amplifier offersan unparal-
leled combinationof bandwidth, slew-rate, and output cur-
rent.The amplifiercan directly driveupto100pF capacitive
loads without oscillatinganda10V signalintoa 50Ωor 75Ω
back-terminated coax cable system overthefull industrial
temperature range. This representsa radical enhancement output drive capabilityforan 8-pinDIP high-speed ampli-
fier makingit idealfor video applications.
Builton National’s advanced high-speed VIP™II (Vertically
Integrated PNP) process,the LM6181 employs current-
feedback providing bandwidth that doesnot vary dramati-
cally with gain;100 MHzatAV=−1,60 MHzatAV= −10.
Witha slew rateof 2000V/μs,2nd harmonicdistortionof−50
dBcat10 MHzand settling timeof50ns (0.1%)the LM6181
dynamic performance makesit idealfor data acquisition,
high speed ATE,and precision pulse amplifier applications.
Features(Typical unless otherwise noted) Slew rate: 2000 V/μs Settling time (0.1%): 50ns Characterizedfor supply ranges: ±5Vand ±15V Low differential gainand phase error: 0.05%, 0.04˚ High output drive: ±10Vinto 100Ω Guaranteed bandwidthand slewrate Improved performance over EL2020, OP160, AD844,
LT1223and HA5004
Applications Coax cable driver Video amplifier Flash ADC buffer High frequency filter Scannerand Imaging systems
Typical ApplicationVIP™isa registeredtrademarkofNationalSemiconductor Corporation.
Cable DriverDS011328-2
May 1998
Amplifier 1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS011328