LM6172 ,Dual High Speed, Low Power, Low Distortion Voltage Feedback Amplifiersfeatures.LM6172DrivingCapacitiveLoadTL/H/12581–44TL/H/12581–50ConnectionDiagram OrderingInformation ..
LM6172IM ,Dual High Speed, Low Power, Low Distortion Voltage Feedback Amplifiersfeatures. ®n NTSC, PAL and SECAM Systemsn ADC/DAC Buffersn Pulse Amplifiers and Peak DetectorsLM617 ..
LM6172IM/NOPB ,Dual High Speed, Low Power, Low Distortion Voltage Feedback Amplifiers 8-SOIC -40 to 85FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LM6172 is a dual high speed voltage feedback2• (Typical Unless Otherwise No ..
LM6172IMX ,Dual High Speed, Low Power, Low Distortion Voltage Feedback Amplifiersapplications tokeep all component leads short because wires are inductive at high frequency. For di ..
LM6172IMX/NOPB ,Dual High Speed, Low Power, Low Distortion Voltage Feedback Amplifiers 8-SOIC -40 to 85Electrical Characteristics (continued)+−Unless otherwise specified, all limits guaranteed for T = 2 ..
LM6172IN ,Dual High Speed, Low Power, Low Distortion Voltage Feedback Amplifiersapplications such as portable videosystems. n Scanner I-to-V Converters™ n ADSL/HDSL DriversThe LM6 ..
LP38692MPX-3.3 ,1A Low Dropout CMOS Linear RegulatorsLP38690/LP38692 1A Low Dropout CMOS Linear RegulatorsStable with Ceramic Output CapacitorsJanuary 2 ..
LP38692MPX-5.0 ,1A Low Dropout CMOS Linear RegulatorsFeaturesn 2.5% output accuracy (25˚C)The LP38690/2 low dropout CMOS linear regulators provide@tight ..
LP38692MPX-ADJ ,1A Low Dropout CMOS Linear Regulators with Adjustable OutputFeaturesn Output voltage range of 1.25V - 9VThe LP38690/2-ADJ low dropout CMOS linear regulatorspro ..
LP38692SD-1.8 ,1A Low Dropout CMOS Linear RegulatorsFeaturesn 2.5% output accuracy (25˚C)The LP38690/2 low dropout CMOS linear regulators provide@tight ..
LP38692SD-2.5 ,1A Low Dropout CMOS Linear RegulatorsApplications@Dropout Voltage: 450 mV (typ) 1A (typ. 5V out).n Hard Disk DrivesGround Pin Current: 5 ..
LP38692SD-3.3 ,1A Low Dropout CMOS Linear RegulatorsLP38690/LP38692 1A Low Dropout CMOS Linear RegulatorsStable with Ceramic Output CapacitorsJanuary 2 ..
Dual High Speed, Low Power, Low Distortion Voltage Feedback Amplifiers
March 1996
Dual High Speed, Low Power, Low Distortion,
Voltage Feedback Amplifiers
General Description
The LM6172isa dual high speed voltage feedback amplifi-
er.Itis unity-gain stableand provides excellentDCandAC
performance. With 100 MHz unity-gain bandwidth,
3000V/ms slew rateand50mAof output currentper chan-
nel,the LM6172 offers high performancein dual amplifiers;
yetitonly consumes 2.3mA ofsupply current each channel.
The LM6172 operateson g15V power supplyfor systems
requiring large voltage swings, suchas ADSL,scannersand
ultrasound equipment.Itis also specifiedat g5V power
supplyforlow voltage applications suchas portable video
The LM6172is builtwith National’s advanced VIPTMIII (Ver-
tically Integrated PNP) complementary bipolar process.See
the LM6171 datasheetfora single amplifier with these
same features.
Features (TypicalUnlessOtherwise Noted) Easyto Use Voltage Feedback Topology High Slew Rate 3000V/ms Wide Unity-Gain Bandwidth 100 MHz Low Supply Current 2.3 mA/Channel High Output Current 50 mA/channel Specifiedfor g15Vand g5V Operation
Applications Scanner I-to-V Converters ADSL/HDSL Drivers Multimedia Broadcast Systems Video Amplifiers NTSC, PALÉand SECAM Systems ADC/DAC Buffers Pulse Amplifiersand Peak Detectors
LM6172 Driving Capacitive Load
Connection Diagram
8-Pin DIP/SO
Top View
Ordering Information
Temperature Range Transport
Media Drawing
Industrial Military
b40§Cto a85§C b55§Cto a125§C
8-PinDIP LM6172IN Rails N08E
8-Pin CDIP 5962-9560401QPA* Rails J08A
8-Pin LM6172IM Rails M08A
LM6172IMX Tape andReel
*Forthe military temperature grade, pleaserefertothe Military Datasheet: MNLM6172AMJ/883.
The NSIDfor themilitarytemp gradeis LM6172AMJ-QML.
VIPTM isatrademark ofNationalSemiconductorCorporation.
PALÉisa registeredtrademark ofandusedunderlicense fromAdvancedMicro Devices,Inc.
C1996National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M56/Printed inU.S.A.