LM6171 ,High Speed Low Power Low Distortion Voltage Feedback Amplifierapplications.YMultimedia Broadcast SystemsTMThe LM6171 is built on National’s advanced VIP III (Ver ..
LM6171AIM ,High Speed Low Power Low Distortion Voltage Feedback AmplifierApplications™The LM6171 is built on National’s advanced VIP III (Verti-cally Integrated PNP) comple ..
LM6171AIM ,High Speed Low Power Low Distortion Voltage Feedback AmplifierFEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LM6171 is a high speed unity-gain stable voltage23• (Typical Unless Otherwi ..
LM6171AIMX ,High Speed Low Power Low Distortion Voltage Feedback AmplifierApplications™The LM6171 is built on National’s advanced VIP III (Verti-cally Integrated PNP) comple ..
LM6171AIN ,High Speed Low Power Low Distortion Voltage Feedback AmplifierApplications™The LM6171 is built on National’s advanced VIP III (Verti-cally Integrated PNP) comple ..
LM6171BIM ,High Speed Low Power Low Distortion Voltage Feedback AmplifierLM6171 High Speed Low Power Low Distortion Voltage Feedback AmplifierFebruary 2003LM6171High Speed ..
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LP38691SDX-ADJ/NOPB ,500mA Low Dropout CMOS Linear Regulators with Adjustable Output Stable with Ceramic Output Capacito 6-WSON -40 to 125 SNVS324K–JANUARY 2005–REVISED JANUARY 20165 Pin Configuration and FunctionsNGG Package NGG Package ..
LP38692MP-1.8 ,1A Low Dropout CMOS Linear RegulatorsLP38690/LP38692 1A Low Dropout CMOS Linear RegulatorsStable with Ceramic Output CapacitorsJanuary 2 ..
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High Speed Low Power Low Distortion Voltage Feedback Amplifier
September 1995
LM6171 High Speed Low Power Low Distortion Voltage
Feedback Amplifier
General Description
The LM6171isa high speed unity-gain stable voltage feed-
back amplifier.It offersa high slewrateof 3600V/msanda
unity-gain bandwidthof100 MHz while consuming only2.5of supply current. The LM6171has very impressiveAC
andDC performance whichisa great benefitfor high speed
signal processingand video applications.
The g15V power supplies allowfor large signal swingsand
give greater dynamic range and signal-to-noise ratio. The
LM6171has high output current drive,low SFDRand THD,
idealfor ADC/DAC systems. The LM6171is specifiedfor
g5V operationfor portable applications.
The LM6171is builton National’s advanced VIPTMIII (Verti-
cally Integrated PNP) complementary bipolar process.
Features (TypicalUnlessOtherwise Noted) Easy-To-Use Voltage Feedback Topology Very High Slew Rate 3600V/ms Wide Unity-Gain-Bandwidth Product 100 MHz b3dB Frequency@AV ea2 62 MHz Low Supply Current 2.5mA High CMRR 110dB High Open Loop Gain 90dB Specifiedfor g15Vand g5V Operation
Applications Multimedia Broadcast Systems Line Drivers, Switchers Video Amplifiers NTSC, PALÉand SECAM Systems ADC/DAC Buffers HDTV Amplifiers Pulse Amplifiersand Peak Detectors Instrumentation Amplifier Active Filters
Typical Performance Characteristics
Closed Loop Frequency Response
vsSupply Voltage(AV ea1)
Large Signal
Pulse Response ea1,VSe g15
Connection Diagram
8-Pin DIP/SO
Ordering Information
Temperature Range Transport
Media Drawing
b40§Cto a85§C
8-Pin LM6171AIN Rails N08EMoldedDIP LM6171BIN
8-Pin LM6171AIM,LM6171BIM Rails M08ASmallOutline LM6171AIMX, LM6171BIMX Tapeand Reel
VIPTM isatrademark ofNationalSemiconductorCorporation.
PALÉisa registeredtrademark ofandusedunderlicencefrom AdvancedMicro Devices,Inc.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.