LM615IM ,LM615 Quad Comparator and Adjustable Referencefeatures operation over aYTight initial tolerance available g0.6% (25 C)§shunt current range of 17m ..
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LM615 Quad Comparator and Adjustable Reference
December 1994
LM615 Quad Comparator and Adjustable Reference
General Description
The comparators havean input range which extendstothe
negative supply,and have open-collectoroutputs. Improved
overthe LM139 series,the input stagesofthe comparators
have lateral PNP input transistors which enablelow input
currentsfor large differential input voltages and swings
The voltage referenceisa three-terminal shunt-type band-
gap,andis referredtotheVb terminal. Two resistors pro-
gramthe reference from 1.24Vto 6.3V, with accuracyof
g0.6% available. The reference features operation overa
shunt current rangeof17mAto20mA,low dynamic imped-
ance, broad capacitive load range, and cathode terminal
voltage ranging froma diode-drop belowVbto above Va.a memberof National’s Super-BlockTM family,the
LM615isa space-saving monolithic alternativetoa multi-
chip solution, offeringa high levelof integration without sac-
rificing performance.
COMPARATORS Low operating current 600mA Wide supply voltage range 4Vto 36V Open-collector outputs Input common-mode range Vbto(Vab 1.8V) Wide differential input voltage g36V
REFERENCE Adjustable output voltage 1.24Vto 6.3V Tight initial tolerance available g0.6% (25§C) Wide operating current range 17 mAto20mA Tolerantof load capacitance
Applications Adjustable threshold detector Time-delay generator Voltage window comparator Power supply monitor RGB level detector
Connection Diagram
Top View
Ordering Information
For informationabout surface-mount packagingofthis device, pleasecontactthe
Analog ProductMarketing groupat National SemiconductorCorp. headquarters.
Reference Temperature Range NSC
Tolerances Military Industrial Package Package Number
b55§CsTJs a125§C b40§CsTJs a85§C
g0.6%at 25§C, LM615AMN LM615AIN 16-Pin N16A ppm/§C max MoldedDIP
LM615AMJ/883 16-Pin J16A
(Note13) CeramicDIP
g2.0%at 25§C, LM615MN LM615IN 16-Pin N16A
150 ppm/§C max MoldedDIP
LM615IM 16-PinNarrow M16A
Surface Mount
Super-BlockTMisa trademarkof National Semiconductor Corporation.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.