LM6152 ,Dual High Speed/Low Power 75 MHz Gain Bandwidth Rail-to-Rail I/O Operational Amplifiersapplications where higherLarge signal 45V/mspowerdevicesunacceptablydrainbatterylife.TheslewrateYLo ..
LM6152ACM ,Dual and Quad 75 MHz GBW Rail-to-Rail I/O Operational AmplifiersElectrical Characteristics+ − + +Unless otherwise specified, all limits guaranteed for T = 25˚C, V ..
LM6152ACMX ,Dual and Quad 75 MHz GBW Rail-to-Rail I/O Operational AmplifiersElectrical Characteristics+ − + +Unless otherwise specified, all limits guaranteed for T = 25˚C, V ..
LM6152BCM ,Dual and Quad 75 MHz GBW Rail-to-Rail I/O Operational AmplifiersFeatures= 5V, Typ unless notedUsing patented circuit topologies, the LM6152/54 provides At VSnew le ..
LM6152BCMX ,Dual and Quad 75 MHz GBW Rail-to-Rail I/O Operational AmplifiersLM6152/LM6154 Dual and Quad 75 MHz GBW Rail-to-Rail I/O Operational AmplifiersNovember 2004LM6152/L ..
LM6154ACM ,Dual and Quad High Speed/Low Power 75 MHz GBW Rail-to-Rail I/O Operational Amplifiersapplications where higher power de-Small signal 5V/μsvices unacceptably drain battery life. The sle ..
LP38690SD-ADJ ,1A Low Dropout CMOS Linear Regulators with Adjustable OutputFeaturesn Output voltage range of 1.25V - 9VThe LP38690/2-ADJ low dropout CMOS linear regulatorspro ..
LP38690SD-ADJ ,1A Low Dropout CMOS Linear Regulators with Adjustable OutputApplicationsGround Pin Current: 55 µA (typ) at full load.n Hard Disk DrivesAdjust Pin Voltage: 2.5% ..
LP38690SD-ADJ/NOPB ,1A Low Dropout CMOS Linear Regulators with Adjustable Output Stable with Ceramic Output Capacitors 6-WSON -40 to 125Features 3 DescriptionThe LP38690-ADJ and LP38692-ADJ low dropout1• Input Voltage Range: 2.7 V to 1 ..
LP38690SDX-3.3 ,1A Low Dropout CMOS Linear RegulatorsApplications@Dropout Voltage: 450 mV (typ) 1A (typ. 5V out).n Hard Disk DrivesGround Pin Current: 5 ..
LP38690SDX-5.0/NOPB ,1A Low Dropout CMOS Linear Regulators Stable with Ceramic Output Capacitors 6-WSON -40 to 125Features 3 DescriptionThe LP38690 and LP38692 low-dropout CMOS linear1• Wide Input Voltage Range (2 ..
LP38690SDX-ADJ ,1A Low Dropout CMOS Linear Regulators with Adjustable OutputLP38690-ADJ/LP38692-ADJ 1A Low Dropout CMOS Linear Regulators with Adjustable OutputStable with Cer ..
Dual High Speed/Low Power 75 MHz Gain Bandwidth Rail-to-Rail I/O Operational Amplifiers
October 1995
LM6152 Dual and LM6154 Quad High Speed/Low Power MHz GBW Rail-to-Rail I/O Operational Amplifiers
General Description
Using patent pending circuit topologies,the LM6152/54
provides new levelsof speedvs power performanceinap-
plications wherelow voltage suppliesor power limitations
previously made compromise necessary. With only1.4 mA/
amplifier supply current,the75 MHz gain bandwidthofthis
device supports new portable applications where higher
power devices unacceptably drain battery life.The slewratethe device increases with increasing input differential
voltage, thus allowingthe deviceto handle capacitive loads
while maintaining large signal amplitude.
The LM6152/54can bedrivenby voltagesthat exceedboth
power supply rails, thus eliminating concerns about exceed-
ingthe common-mode voltage range.The rail-to-rail output
swing capability providesthe maximum possible dynamic
range atthe output.Thisis particularlyimportant when oper-
atingonlow supply voltages.
Operatingon supplies from 2.7Vto over 24V, the
LM6152/54is excellentfora very wide rangeof applica-
tions, from battery operated systems with large bandwidth
requirementsto high speed instrumentation.
FeaturesAtVSe5V,Typ unless noted Greater than Rail-to-Rail Input CMVR b0.25Vto 5.25V Rail-to-Rail Output Swing 0.01Vto 4.99V Wide Gain-Bandwidth:75 MHz@100 kHz Slew Rate:
Small signal 5V/ms
Large signal 45V/ms Low supply current1.4 mA/amplifier Wide supply range 2.7Vto 24V Fast settling timeof1.1msfor2V step(to 0.01%) Gain107dB withRLe10kX PSRR91dB CMRR84dB
Applications Portable high speed instrumentation Signal conditioning amplifiers/ADC buffers Barcode scanners
Connection Diagrams
8-Pin DIP/SO
Top View
14-Pin DIP/SO
Ordering Information
Package Ordering NSCDrawing SuppliedAsInformation Number
8-PinDIP LM6152ACN, LM6152BCN N08E Rails
8-Pin SO-8 LM6152ACM,LM6152BCM M08A Rails
LM6152ACMX, LM6152BCMX M08A 2.5k Tapeand Reel
14-PinDIP LM6154ACN, LM6154BCN N14A Rails
14-Pin SO-14 LM6154ACM,LM6154BCM M14A Rails
LM6154ACMX, LM6154BCMX M14A 2.5k Tapeand Reel
C1996National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M76/Printed inU.S.A. http://