LM614WM ,Quad Operational Amplifier and Adjustable ReferenceElectrical Characteristics− += = = = = =These specifications apply for V GND 0V, V 5V, V V 2.5V, I ..
LM6152 ,Dual High Speed/Low Power 75 MHz Gain Bandwidth Rail-to-Rail I/O Operational Amplifiersapplications where higherLarge signal 45V/mspowerdevicesunacceptablydrainbatterylife.TheslewrateYLo ..
LM6152ACM ,Dual and Quad 75 MHz GBW Rail-to-Rail I/O Operational AmplifiersElectrical Characteristics+ − + +Unless otherwise specified, all limits guaranteed for T = 25˚C, V ..
LM6152ACMX ,Dual and Quad 75 MHz GBW Rail-to-Rail I/O Operational AmplifiersElectrical Characteristics+ − + +Unless otherwise specified, all limits guaranteed for T = 25˚C, V ..
LM6152BCM ,Dual and Quad 75 MHz GBW Rail-to-Rail I/O Operational AmplifiersFeatures= 5V, Typ unless notedUsing patented circuit topologies, the LM6152/54 provides At VSnew le ..
LM6152BCMX ,Dual and Quad 75 MHz GBW Rail-to-Rail I/O Operational AmplifiersLM6152/LM6154 Dual and Quad 75 MHz GBW Rail-to-Rail I/O Operational AmplifiersNovember 2004LM6152/L ..
LP38690SD-3.3/NOPB ,1A Low Dropout CMOS Linear Regulators Stable with Ceramic Output Capacitors 6-WSON -40 to 125Block Diagrams. 1111.6 Glossary. 217.3 Feature Description.... 1312 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orde ..
LP38690SD-5.0 ,1A Low Dropout CMOS Linear RegulatorsLP38690/LP38692 1A Low Dropout CMOS Linear RegulatorsStable with Ceramic Output CapacitorsJanuary 2 ..
LP38690SD-ADJ ,1A Low Dropout CMOS Linear Regulators with Adjustable OutputFeaturesn Output voltage range of 1.25V - 9VThe LP38690/2-ADJ low dropout CMOS linear regulatorspro ..
LP38690SD-ADJ ,1A Low Dropout CMOS Linear Regulators with Adjustable OutputApplicationsGround Pin Current: 55 µA (typ) at full load.n Hard Disk DrivesAdjust Pin Voltage: 2.5% ..
LP38690SD-ADJ/NOPB ,1A Low Dropout CMOS Linear Regulators with Adjustable Output Stable with Ceramic Output Capacitors 6-WSON -40 to 125Features 3 DescriptionThe LP38690-ADJ and LP38692-ADJ low dropout1• Input Voltage Range: 2.7 V to 1 ..
LP38690SDX-3.3 ,1A Low Dropout CMOS Linear RegulatorsApplications@Dropout Voltage: 450 mV (typ) 1A (typ. 5V out).n Hard Disk DrivesGround Pin Current: 5 ..
Quad Operational Amplifier and Adjustable Reference
Quad Operational Amplifier and Adjustable Reference
General DescriptionThe LM614 consistsof four op-amps anda programmable
voltage referenceina 16-pin package. The op-amp
out-performs most single-supply op-ampsby providing
higher speedand bandwidth along withlow supply current.
This device was specifically designedto lower cost and
board space requirementsin transducer, test, measurement
and data acquisition systems.
Combininga stable voltage reference withfour wide output
swing op-amps makesthe LM614 idealfor single supply
transducers, signal conditioning and bridge driving where
large common-mode-signalsare common. The voltageref-
erence consistsofa reliable band-gap designthat maintains
low dynamic output impedance(1Ω typical), excellent initial
tolerance (0.6%), andthe abilitytobe programmed from
1.2Vto 6.3Vviatwo external resistors. The voltage refer-
enceis very stable evenwhen drivinglarge capacitiveloads,are commonly encounteredin CMOS data acquisition
systems.a memberof National’s new Super-Block™ family,the
LM614isa space-savingmonolithic alternativetoa multichip
solution, offering ahighlevelof integrationwithout sacrificing
Features Amp Low operating current: 300μA Wide supply voltage range: 4Vto36V Wide common-mode range:V−to(V+− 1.8V) Wide differential input voltage: ±36V Availablein plastic package ratedfor Military
Temperature Range Operation
Reference Adjustable output voltage: 1.2Vto 6.3V Tight initial tolerance available: ±0.6% Wide operating current range: 17μAto20mA Tolerantof load capacitance
Applications Transducer bridge driverand signal processing Processand mass flow control systems Power supply voltage monitor Buffered voltage referencesfor A/D’s
Connection Diagram
Ordering Information
Tolerance& VOS
Temperature Range Package NSC
DrawingMilitary Industrial Commercial
+125˚C −40˚C≤
+85˚C 0˚C≤
+70˚C±0.6%@ LM614AMN LM614AIN — 16-pin N16E ppm/˚C max MoldedDIP
VOS≤3.5mV max LM614AMJ/883 — — 16-pin J16A
(Note13) CeramicDIP
±2.0%@ LM614MN LM614BIN LM614CN 16-pin N16E
150 ppm/˚C max MoldedDIP
VOS≤5.0mV — LM614WM LM614CWM 16-pin Wide M16B
Surface Mount
Super-Block™isatrademarkof National SemiconductorCorporation.
May 1998
Reference 1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS009326