LM613MN ,Dual Operational Amplifiers/ Dual Comparators/ and Adjustable ReferenceLM613 Dual Operational Amplifiers, Dual Comparators, and Adjustable ReferenceJune 1998LM613Dual Ope ..
LM6142AIM ,Dual High Speed/Low Power 17 MHz Rail-to-Rail I/O Operational AmplifierElectrical Characteristics (Note 8)+ − + +>Unless otherwise specified, all limits guaranteed for T ..
LM6142AIMX ,Dual High Speed/Low Power 17 MHz Rail-to-Rail I/O Operational AmplifierFEATURES SECTIONoProcessing Subgrp Description Temp ( C)MIL-STD-883, Method 5004 1 Static tests ..
LM6142AIMX/NOPB ,Dual High Speed/Low Power 17 MHz Rail-to-Rail I/O Operational Amplifier 8-SOIC -40 to 85Electrical Characteristics+− + +Unless Otherwise Specified, All Limits Guaranteed for T = 25°C, V = ..
LM6142AIN ,Dual High Speed/Low Power 17 MHz Rail-to-Rail I/O Operational AmplifierApplicationshigher power consumption reduced battery life to unaccept-ablelevels.Theabilitytodrivel ..
LM6142BIM ,Dual High Speed/Low Power 17 MHz Rail-to-Rail I/O Operational AmplifierMICROCIRCUIT DATA SHEETOriginal Creation Date: 11/21/94MNLM6142AM-X REV 4A1Last Update Date: 04/28/ ..
LP3855EMPX-ADJ ,1.5A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulatorapplications. The LP3852/LP3855n Guaranteed output current of 1.5A DCare developed on a CMOS proces ..
LP3855EMPX-ADJ ,1.5A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorapplicationsTypical Application Circuits20031001**SDandERRORpinsmustbepulledhighthrougha10kΩpull-up ..
LP3855EMPX-ADJ ,1.5A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulatorapplications. The LP3852/LP3855n Guaranteed output current of 1.5A DCare developed on a CMOS proces ..
LP3855EMPX-ADJ NOPB ,1.5A Fast Response Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulators 5-SOT-223 -40 to 125FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LP3855-ADJ fast ultra low-dropout linear2• Ultra Low Dropout Voltageregulat ..
LP3855ES-1.8 ,1.5A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorPin Description for TO220-5 and TO263-5 PackagesLP3852 LP3855Pin #Name Function Name Function1SD Sh ..
LP3855ES-2.5 ,1.5A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorPin Description for TO220-5 and TO263-5 PackagesLP3852 LP3855Pin #Name Function Name Function1SD Sh ..
Dual Operational Amplifiers/ Dual Comparators/ and Adjustable Reference
Dual Operational Amplifiers, Dual Comparators, and
Adjustable Reference
General DescriptionThe LM613 consists ofdualop-amps, dual comparators,and programmable voltage referencein a16-pin package.The
op-amps out-performs most single-supply op-ampsby pro-
viding higher speed and bandwidth along withlow supply
current. This device was specifically designedto lower cost
and board space requirementsin transducer, test, measure-
ment,and data acquisition systems.
Combininga stablevoltage referencewith wide outputswing
op-amps makesthe LM613 idealfor single supply transduc-
ers, signal conditioning and bridge driving where large
common-mode-signalsare common.The voltage reference
consistsofa reliable band-gapdesign thatmaintains lowdy-
namic output impedance(1Ω typical), excellent initial toler-
ance (0.6%),andthe abilitytobe programmed from 1.2Vto
6.3Vviatwo external resistors. Thevoltage referenceis very
stable even whendriving large capacitive loads,asare com-
monly encounteredin CMOS data acquisition systems.a memberof National’s Super-Block™ family,the LM613a space-saving monolithic alternativetoa multi-chip solu-
tion, offeringa high levelof integration without sacrificing
Features AMP Low operating current(Op Amp):300μA Wide supply voltage range:4Vto 36V Wide common-mode range:V−to(V+− 1.8V) Wide differential input voltage: ±36V Availablein plastic package ratedfor Military Temp.
Range Operation
REFERENCE Adjustable output voltage: 1.2Vto 6.3V Tight initial tolerance available: ±0.6% Wide operating current range:17μAto20mA Tolerantof load capacitance
Applications Transducer bridge driver Processand mass flow control systems Power supply voltage monitor Buffered voltage referencesfor A/D’s
Connection DiagramsSuper-Block™isatrademarkof National SemiconductorCorporation.
Top View Package PinoutDS009226-48
June 1998
Reference 1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS009226