LM612IM ,Dual-Channel Comparator and ReferenceApplicationsload range.YVoltage window comparatorTMAs a member of National’s Super-Block family, th ..
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Dual-Channel Comparator and Reference
February 1995
Dual-Channel Comparator and Reference
General Description
The dual-channel comparator consistsof two individual
comparators, havingan input voltage range that extends
downtothe negative supply voltageVb. The common
open-collector outputcanbe drivenlowby eitherhalfofthe
LM612. This configuration makesthe LM612 idealforusea window comparator.The input stagesofthe compara-
tor have lateral PNP input transistors which maintainlow
input currents forlarge differential input voltagesand swings
The 1.2V voltage reference, referredtotheVb terminal,isa
two-terminal shunt-type band-gap similartothe LM185-1.2
series,with voltage accuracyof g0.6% available.The refer-
ence featuresoperationover ashuntcurrent range of17mA20 mA,low dynamic impedance, and broad capacitive
load range.a memberof National’s Super-BlockTM family,the
LM612isa space-saving monolithic alternativetoa multi-
chip solution, offeringa high levelof integration without sac-
rificing performance.
COMPARATORS Low operating current 300mA Wide supply voltage range 4Vto 36V Open-collector outputs Input common-mode range Vbto (Vab 1.8V) Wide differential input voltage g36V
REFERENCE Fixed output voltage 1.24V Tight initial tolerance available g0.6% (25§C) Wide operating current range 17 mAto20mA Tolerantof load capacitance
Applications Voltage window comparator Power supply voltage monitor Dual-channel fault monitor
Connection Diagram
Top View
Ordering Information
For information about surface-mount packagingof this device, please contactthe Analog Product Marketing groupat
National Semiconductor Corporation headquarters.
Reference Temperature Range
Package Package
Military Industrial
b55§C sTJs a125§C b40§CsTJ a85§C
g0.6%at 25§C, LM612AMN LM612AIN 8-Pin N08E80 ppm/§C Max MoldedDIP
LM612AMJ/883 8-Pin J08A(Note13) CeramicDIP
g2.0%at 25§C, LM612MN LM612IN 8-Pin N08E150 ppm/§C Max MoldedDIP
LM612IM 8-PinNarrow M08ASurface Mount
Super-BlockTMisa trademarkof National Semiconductor Corporation.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.