LM611CN ,Operational Amplifier and Adjustable ReferenceElectrical Characteristics− += = = = = =These specifications apply for V GND 0V, V 5V, V V 2.5V, I ..
LM611CN ,Operational Amplifier and Adjustable ReferenceApplicationssystems.n Transducer bridge driver™As a member of National’s Super-Block family, the LM ..
LM611IM ,Operational Amplifier and Adjustable ReferenceGeneral DescriptionThe LM611 consist of a single-supply op-amp and a programmable voltage reference ..
LM611IM ,Operational Amplifier and Adjustable ReferenceElectrical Characteristics. The guaranteed specifications applyonly for the test conditions listed. ..
LM611IM ,Operational Amplifier and Adjustable ReferenceFeaturesThe LM611 consists of a single-supply op-amp and a pro- OPAMPgrammable voltage reference in ..
LM612IM ,Dual-Channel Comparator and ReferenceApplicationsload range.YVoltage window comparatorTMAs a member of National’s Super-Block family, th ..
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LP38502ATJ-ADJ , 1.5A FlexCap Low Dropout Linear Regulator for 2.7V to 5.5V Inputs
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Operational Amplifier and Adjustable Reference
Operational Amplifier and Adjustable Reference
General DescriptionThe LM611 consistsofa single-supply op-ampanda pro-
grammable voltage referencein one space saving 8-pin
package. The op-amp out-performs most single-supply
op-ampsby providing higher speed and bandwidth along
withlow supply current. This device was specificallyde-
signedto lower costand board space requirementsin trans-
ducer, test, measurementand data acquisition systems.
Combininga stable voltage reference witha wide output
swing op-amp makesthe LM611 idealfor single supply
transducers, signal conditioning and bridge driving where
large common-mode signalsare common.The voltagerefer-
ence consistsofa reliable band-gap designthat maintains
low dynamic output impedance(1Ω typical), excellent initial
tolerance (0.6%), andthe abilitytobe programmed from
1.2Vto 6.3Vviatwo external resistors. The voltage refer-
enceis very stable evenwhen drivinglarge capacitiveloads,are commonly encounteredin CMOS data acquisition
systems.a memberof National’s Super-Block™ family,the LM611a space-saving monolithic alternativetoa multi-chip solu-
tion, offeringa high levelof integration without sacrificing
Features AMP Low operating current: 300μA(op amp) Wide supply voltage range: 4Vto36V Wide common-mode range:V−to(V+ −1.8V) Wide differential input voltage: ±36V Availableinlow cost 8-pinDIP Availablein plastic package ratedfor Military
Temperature Range Operation
REFERENCE Adjustable output voltage: 1.2Vto 6.3V Tight initial tolerance available: ±0.6% Wide operating current range: 17μAto20mA Reference floats above ground Tolerantof load capacitance
Applications Transducer bridge driver Processand Mass Flow Control systems Power supply voltage monitor Buffered voltage referencesfor A/D’s
Connection DiagramsSuper-Block™isatrademarkof National SemiconductorCorporation.
May 1998
Reference 1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS009221