LM567CMX ,Tone DecoderFeaturesn Wide band FSK demodulationn 20 to 1 frequency range with an external resistorn Ultrasonic ..
LM567CMX ,Tone DecoderFeaturesn Wide band FSK demodulationn 20 to 1 frequency range with an external resistorn Ultrasonic ..
LM567CN ,Tone DecoderGeneral Descriptionn Immunity to false signalsTheLM567andLM567Caregeneralpurposetonedecodersn Highl ..
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LM56BIMM/NOPB ,Dual Output Resistor-Programmable Temperature Switch 8-VSSOP -40 to 125Electrical Characteristics. The guaranteed specifications apply only for the test conditions listed ..
LP324MTX ,Micropower Quad Operational AmplifierElectrical Characteristics (Note 6)LP2902 (Note 9) LP324Symbol Parameter Conditions Tested Design T ..
LP324MTX ,Micropower Quad Operational AmplifierLP324/LP2902 Micropower Quad Operational AmplifierJuly 2001LP324/LP2902Micropower Quad Operational ..
LP324MX ,Micropower Quad Operational AmplifierFeaturesn Low supply current: 85μA (typ)The LP324 series consists of four independent, high gainint ..
LP324N ,Micropower Quad Operational AmplifierElectrical Characteristics (Note 6)LP2902 (Note 9) LP324Symbol Parameter Conditions Tested Design T ..
LP324PW ,Ultra-Low-Power Quadruple Operational Amplifiers 14-TSSOP 0 to 70Electrical CharacteristicsT = 25°C, V = 5 V, V = V /2, R = 100 kΩ to GND (unless otherwise noted)A ..
LP324PWG4 ,Ultra-Low-Power Quadruple Operational Amplifiers 14-TSSOP 0 to 70/sc/package.SYMBOL (EACH AMPLIFIER)IN−OUTIN+Please be aware that an important notice concerning ava ..
Tone Decoder
Tone Decoder
General DescriptionThe LM567 and LM567Care general purpose tone decoders
designedto providea saturated transistor switchto ground
whenan input signalis present within the passband. The
circuit consistsofanI andQ detector drivenbya voltage
controlled oscillator which determinesthe center frequency the decoder. External components are usedto indepen-
dentlyset center frequency, bandwidth and output delay.
Features20to1 frequency range withan external resistor Logic compatible output with 100 mA current sinking
capability Bandwidth adjustable from0to 14% High rejectionofoutof band signals and noise Immunityto false signals Highly stable center frequency Center frequency adjustable from 0.01Hzto 500 kHz
Applications Touch tone decoding Precision oscillator Frequency monitoring and control Wide band FSK demodulation Ultrasonic controls Carrier current remote controls Communications paging decoders
Connection Diagrams
Metal Can Package Dual-In-Line and Small Outline PackagesTop View
Order Number LM567Hor LM567CH
SeeNS Package Number H08C
Top View
Order Number LM567CM
See NS Package Number M08A
Order Number LM567CN
See NS Package Number N08E
February 2003